2015 Strategic Plan wrap-up

The 2010-2015 Strategic Plan saw remarkable success.  Some notable outcomes include: 

Seamless Learner Pathways

Expansion of academic programs including the addition of ten new post-degree/graduate diplomas, one new applied degree (others pending approval), one new certificate, and the creation of 1400 domestic student spaces (FTE).


Superior Teaching Quality

Implementation of robust program reviews, introduction of a new process for demand-based faculty development opportunities, expansion of academically relevant conferences hosted by Douglas, launch of a new process for developmental evaluation of post-probationary faculty, and addition of various speakers series to enrich the academic culture of the College.



The addition of new partnerships in India and Panama, and the expansion of the number of international students by 650 FTE or 107%, expanded field school opportunities, and the receipt of multiple internationalization awards including the first ever ACCC Internationalization Excellence award.


Experiential Learning

The launch of a Research and Innovation Office and a Career Centre, expansion of Student Research Days, a partnership with Envision Financial, the addition of 10 PDD’s. 


Student and Employee Engagement

The implementation of the Honorary Fellow designation, leadership roundtables, social media for employees (Yammer), President’s Reception, community connections program, and annual student engagement awards; structural reforms in Human Resources to facilitate engagement, the launch of the Douglife website (this has since become Student Life), major concourse renovations at New West campus, the creation of a Administrators’ Community of Practice, and receiving recognition for becoming one of BC’s top 100 Employers.


Financial Accountability, Social Responsibility, and Environmental Stewardship

The implementation of a multi-year budgeting framework (3 year), the introduction of the Program Development and Implementation Funding Envelope (PDIFE), the expansion of scholarship and bursary support for almost 300 students, the establishment of an Energy Baseline, and the addition of many energy efficiency initiatives resulting in significant energy savings and reduced carbon footprint at both campuses.

More about Strategic Planning - looking ahead to 2020