Douglas College receives funding from the Government of Canada’s Research Support Fund program to support the ongoing indirect costs associated with the management and administration of the Research and Innovation Office.
Indirect costs can be defined as the operational costs that underpin an institution’s research activities (i.e., heating, lighting, ethics reviews, facilities for animals used in research, management of intellectual property, environmental assessment, and safety compliance). The services that give rise to indirect costs are institutionally based and are not specific to individual research grants.
The College currently supports several ongoing research projects that require management by the Research and Innovation Office, Finance and the Douglas College Library. The Research Support Fund offsets some of the costs associated with managing these grants and also supports the continuing evolution and deployment of research strategies throughout the College by assisting with research infrastructure–both through the office and through ongoing capital costs.
The Research Support Fund assists Canadian postsecondary institutions and their affiliated research hospitals and institutes with the expenses associated with managing the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies:
- the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR);
- the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC); and
- the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Every year, the federal government invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies. The Research Support Fund reinforces this research investment by helping institutions ensure that their federally funded research projects are conducted in world-class facilities with the best equipment and administrative support available.
Eligible institutions receive an annual grant through the fund to help pay for a portion of the central and departmental administrative costs related to federally funded research.
The program (formerly known as the Indirect Costs Program) was introduced in 2003 as part of the federal government’s strategy to make Canada one of the world’s top countries in research and development. It currently has a budget of $400 million and serves 150 postsecondary institutions across the country.
Examples of costs supported by the program are:
- salaries for staff or students who provide administrative support for researchers and their projects;
- training costs for workplace health and safety;
- costs related to the maintenance of libraries and laboratories; and
- administrative costs associated with getting a patent for an invention
The following is an overview of how Douglas College allocates the Research Support Fund:
Funding for fiscal year 2024-25: $195,541

In support of Douglas College research facilities, the Research Support Fund offsets some of the expenses associated with capital acquisitions and maintenance of:
- Research and innovation hubs at both the New Westminster and Coquitlam Campuses
- The Research and Innovation office website
In support of Douglas College research resources, the Research Support Fund offsets some of the expenses associated with the implementation and maintenance of the College's Research Data Management Strategy as well as the purchase and maintenance of research-related software licences for:
- NVivo
- Vancouver Sun Historical Archive
In support of Douglas College management and administration of its research enterprise, the Research Support Fund offsets some of the expenses associated with:
- The Research and Innovation Office (RIO)
- Douglas College Applied Research in Education (DARE)
- HiPE Research Committee
- Douglas Open Repository (DOOR)
In support of Douglas College regulatory requirements and accreditation, the Research Support Fund offsets some of the expenses associated with:
- Douglas College Research Ethic Committee (DCREB)
- Douglas College Animal Care Committee (DCACC)
In support of Douglas College intellectual property and knowledge mobilization, the Research Support Fund offsets some of the expenses associated with:
- Contracts Office
- The maintenance and creation of policies governing research (i.e., intellectual property agreements, non-disclosure agreements)
Eligible program expenditure category | Output (investment or expense of RSF grant funds) | Performance objective | Performance indicator | Target outcome |
Research Facilities | Improve internal and external awareness of research being done at the College | Improve visibility of research at the College by developing faculty research pages on the external website. | At least 30 new profiles added to external website. | |
Baseline for number of page views established, views tracked for all pages | 10% increase in number of views | |||
Improve internal visibility of research at the College by maintaining research stores of faculty and student research in conjunction with Marketing and Communications. | Regular rotation of featured researcher stories on College intranet. At least 6 research news stories on external website. | |||
Research Resources | $42,857 | Improve ability of faculty to access necessary resources for conducting research | Implementation of resources for faculty regarding Research Data Management. | Continue to build awareness and capacity in research data management planning, and to incorporate RDM into the College internal funding process. |
Management and Administration | $118,684 | Increase faculty engagement in research initiatives and projects | Increase number of faculty applying for external funding | 10% increase in number of applications for external grants |
Increase number of faculty applying for internal funding | 10% increase in number of applications for internal grants | |||
Increase number of faculty learning about research opportunities at the College and in the community | At least 2 workshops provided to faculty to support research | |||
Improve student awareness and interest in participating in research and in taking on roles as student research assistants (SRAs) | Increase number of Douglas College students who are actively involved in research as SRAs Increase visibility of student research online Increase number of students participating in student research events (e.g. Student research days) Increase demand for SRA opportunities at the College Online Student Research Journal established | Development of online student research journal 5% increase in number of students employed as SRAs | ||
Increase collaborations with community organizations | Increase number of research affiliations with outside parties (including health care and academic partners) Improve process of creating contracts and agreements with outside partners | 10% increase in number of research affiliations At least 2 new research partnerships or collaborations formed | ||
Improve access to and involvement in research-related events at the College | Increase number of research-related events at the College (Cafes, workshops, conferences, book launches, etc) | 5% increase in number of research-related events hosted at the College (Research Cafes, book launches, conferences, workshops, celebrations, etc) 10% increase in number of DC employees who attended Research Cafes and other events | ||
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation | $34,000 | Improve REB workflow | Increase support and ease of REB application and review process for applicants and REB committee. | 10% increase in overall volume of REB reviews annually |
Intellectual property and Knowledge Mobilization | Continue to increase the number and diversity of faculty on DOOR (Douglas Open Repository) | Increase number of faculty on DOOR Increase number of scholarly resources in DOOR, specifically grant recipients, Indigenous research and creative writing works Continue to build and profile Open Textbooks collection Improve distribution of faculties Create ‘Did you know’ DOOR promotional brochures for faculty | 5% increase in faculty presence on DOOR 10% increase in faculty scholarship on DOOR 5% increase in creative works and Indigenous research on DOOR Add new Open Textbooks created by Douglas College Faculty when completed | |
Main work and project for the year: Migration and Upgrade of DOOR current platform to Islandora 2. | Continue to work with BC Arca provincial administrator and Digital Gardens. Continue to prepare for DOOR platform for migration to new technical infrastructure. The new technical infrastructure and will improve look, usability, and UX and improve DOOR for searchers accessing the collections and site. Implement better statistical gathering post migration (Google Analytics) | Continue the upward trajectory of traffic to DOOR by increasing 10%. | ||
Increase presence of student capstone research papers, theses, and presentations on DOOR | Increase number of student research projects and presentations in DOOR Participate in Student Research Days and ingest student works into Student Research Collection Host faculty and student DOOR information events, connect with Student Union for PR Target faculty sponsorship of student works (Theses, capstone essays) Create ‘Did you know’ DOOR promotional brochures for students | 10% increase in student scholarship on DOOR | ||
Increase number of new collection | If content available create collections for Indigenous research and creative works Collaborate with Records Manager to launch and build Douglas College Institutional Documents Collection | Populate DOOR with 2 new collections |
Eligible program expenditure category | Output (investment or expense of RSF grant funds) | Performance objective | Performance indicator | Target outcome | Reported Outcome |
Research Facilities | $53,210 | Improve internal and external awareness of research being done at the College | Improve visibility of research at the College by developing faculty research pages on the external website. | Six faculty research pages created on external website. | Exceeded. Ten faculty research pages created. |
Baseline for number of page views established, views tracked for all pages | 10% increase in number of views | 19.4% increase in unique page views and 33.9% increase in site visits to Research and Innovation Intranet site | |||
Improve internal visibility of research at the College by maintaining research stores of faculty and student research in conjunction with Marketing and Communications. | Maintain research 'stories' on 10 week rotation with Marketing and Communications 6 stories about faculty and student research per year | Achieved Six stories posted to external "Research news" webpage. Regular rotation of research stories on faculty intranet | |||
Research Resources | $72,777 | Improve ability of faculty to access necessary resources for conducting research | Implementation of resources for faculty regarding Research Data Management. | The creation of an institutional RDM Strategy. Roll-out of activities to build awareness and capacity in research data management planning, create sustainable supportive systems and infrastructure, and align policies and resources to support best practices in data management | Four interactive RDM tutorials posted to external website; initial planning for integration of RDM plan in applications for internal research grants |
Management and Administration | $112,489 | Increase faculty engagement in research initiatives and projects | Increase number of faculty applying for external funding | 10% increase in number of applications for external grants | Not Achieved |
Increase number of faculty applying for internal funding | 10% increase in number of applications for internal grants | Not Achieved | |||
Increase number of faculty learning about research opportunities at the College and in the community | At least 2 workshops provided to faculty to support research | Exceeded-Six workshops provided | |||
Increase number of faculty who connect with RIO before engaging in research | 10% increase in number of faculty who reach out to RIO before conducting research | Not Achieved | |||
Improve student awareness and interest in participating in research and in taking on roles as student research assistants (SRAs) | Increase number of Douglas College students who are actively involved in research as SRAs Increase visibility of student research online Increase number of students participating in student research events (e.g. Student research days) Increase demand for SRA opportunities at the College Online Student Research Journal established | Development of online student research journal 5% increase in number of students employed as SRAs At least 7 students hired as Student Research Ambassadors | Exceeded - 17.6% increase in student research assistants employed. Slight decrease in Student Research Ambassadors | ||
Increase collaborations with community organizations | Increase number of research affiliations with outside parties (including health care and academic partners) Improve process of creating contracts and agreements with outside partners | 10% increase in number of research affiliations At least 2 new research partnerships or collaborations formed | |||
Improve access to and involvement in research-related events at the College | Increase number of research-related events at the College (Cafes, workshops, conferences, book launches, etc) | 5% increase in number of research-related events hosted at the College (Research Cafes, book launches, conferences, workshops, celebrations, etc) 10% increase in number of DC employees who attended Research Cafes and other events | Three fold increase in events over previous year with 3 online Research Cafes, author recognition event, 3 part Scholarly Activity Speakers Series and six workshops. Average attendance numbers maintained, but not increased. | ||
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation | $49,200 | Improve REB workflow | Increase support and ease of REB application and review process for applicants and REB committee. | 10% decrease in initial REB review time 10% increase in overall volume of REB reviews annually | Reduced REB review time steady at two weeks as achieved last year. Two weeks is target review time. Exceeded - 50% increase in REB reviews over previous year |
Intellectual property and Knowledge Mobilization | Increase the number and diversity of faculty on DOOR (Douglas Open Repository) | Increase number of faculty on DOOR Increase number of scholarly resources in DOOR, specifically grant recipients, Indigenous research and creative writing works Continue to build and profile Open Textbooks collection Improve distribution of faculties Host faculty DOOR information sessions Create ‘Did you know’ DOOR promotional brochures for faculty | 10% increase in faculty presence on DOOR 10% increase in faculty scholarship on DOOR 5% increase in creative works and Indigenous research on DOOR Add new Open Textbooks created by Douglas College Faculty when completed | Total growth on DOOR was 10.7%, but faculty profiles did not meet target at 4.5% increase. Creative works increased to 69 and Indigenous research exceeded target at 19%. Five new Open Textbooks added with 7254 views of total collection | |
Upgrade DOOR current platform (which is reaching end-of-life) to Islandora 2. | Prepare for DOOR platform migration to new technical infrastructure (timeline TBD by the provincial Arca administration). The new technical infrastructure and will improve look, usability, and UX and improve DOOR for searchers accessing the collections and site. Complete migration and promote the new DOOR platform with RIO and library PR | Continue the upward trajectory of traffic to DOOR by increasing 10%. | Exceeded with increase in views of 18.3%. | ||
Increase presence of student capstone research papers, theses, and presentations on DOOR | Increase number of student research projects and presentations in DOOR Participate in Student Research Days Host faculty and student DOOR information events, connect with Student Union for PR Target faculty sponsorship of student works (Theses, STEP UP projects, capstone essays) Create ‘Did you know’ DOOR promotional brochures for students Collaborate with library OJS project as necessary (if student journal to be added to DOOR) | 10% increase in student scholarship on DOOR | Exceeded with increase of 102%. | ||
Increase number of new collection | If content available create collections for Indigenous research and creative works Collaborate with Records Manager to launch and build Douglas College Institutional Documents Collection | Populate DOOR with 2 new collections | Exceeded with 3 new collections. |
Eligible program expenditure category | Output (investment or expense of RSF grant funds) | Performance objective | Performance indicator | Target outcome | Reported Outcome |
Research Facilities | Improve internal and external awareness of research being done at the College | Improve visibility of 'hubs' of excellence in research at the College | At least 2 new webpages developed for a research centre, institute, hub or initiative |
Achieved | |
$60,000 | Baseline for number of page views established, views tracked for all pages | 20% increase in number of views | Partially Achieved RIO DC Connect-18.6% increase in unique page views per average month REB-75% increase in unique page views per average month 12% increase of unique pageviews to the RSF page on Douglas College’s public website. | ||
Rewrite external / website research page for external audience - improved visibility of student and faculty research at the College | New and refreshed research pages on the College website, including links to SOPs, webpage about Research Centres & Institutes
| Achieved
Achieved | |||
Research Resources | $45,934.20 | Improve ability of faculty to access necessary resources for conducting research | Increase number of licenses and databases to meet faculty research needs | 5% increase in number of faculty who access databases and research software. | Insufficient information - will re-evaluate in 2023-24 |
Improve ability of faculty to access and navigate REB resources and forms | Increase number of faculty using Cayuse REB platform | Cayuse forms and templates uploaded and ready to use Cayuse software tested with super users and implemented for use by all College users REB information sessions and workshops provided to raise awareness of Cayuse software | Achieved
Cayuse Human Ethics software fully implemented in September 2022.
| ||
Management and Administration | $151,163.80 | Increase faculty engagement in research initiatives and projects | Increase number of faculty applying for external funding | 10% increase in number of applications for external grants | Achieved Applications for external grants increased from four to six |
Increase number of faculty applying for internal funding | 10% increase in number of applications for internal grants | Achieved 22.9% increase | |||
Increase number of faculty involved in research mentorship | 10% increase in number of faculty research mentors and mentees | Not measured | |||
Increase number of faculty learning about research opportunities at the College and in the community | At least 2 workshops provided to faculty to support research | Achieved Two workshops in April 2022 | |||
Increase number of faculty involved in quality improvement projects | 10% increase in number of faculty engaged in QI projects | Not measured | |||
Increase number of faculty who connect with RIO before engaging in research | 20% increase in number of faculty who reach out to RIO before conducting research | No increase | |||
Improve student awareness and interest in participating in research and in taking on roles as student research assistants (SRAs) | Increase number of Douglas College students who are actively involved in research as SRAs Increase visibility of student research online Increase number of students participating in student research events (e.g. Student research days) Increase demand for SRA opportunities at the College Online Student Research Journal established | 10% increase in number of workshops provided to students to support their work as SRAs At least 4 students hired as Student Research Ambassadors |
Not achieved
Not achieved
Achieved with 7 student research ambassadors hired
Not achieved | ||
Increase collaborations with community organizations | Increase number of research affiliations with outside parties (including health care and academic partners) Improve process of creating contracts and agreements with outside partners | 10% increase in number of research affiliations At least 2 new research partnerships or collaborations formed | Not achieved
Achieved | ||
Improve access to and involvement in research-related events at the College | Increase number of research-related events at the College (Cafes, workshops, conferences, book launches, etc) | 5% increase in number of research-related events hosted at the College (Research Cafes, book launches, conferences, workshops, celebrations, etc.) 10% increase in number of DC employees who attended Research Cafes and other events | Two College events and 2 workshops
Achieved with workshop attendance. | ||
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation | $47,600 | Improve REB workflow | Increase supports (templates, evaluation criteria, track changes) for both researchers and REB committee Increase number of harmonized REB reviews | 20% decrease in initial REB review time 20% decrease in need for revisions 20% increase in overall volume of REB reviews annually 10% increase in volume of harmonized REB reviews annually | Achieved with new platform Decrease in review time from three-four weeks to two weeks since start of calendar year. Volume relatively steady with slight increase in amendments, partially due to switch over to new system. Same level of harmonized reviews. |
Intellectual property and Knowledge Mobilization | Increase the number and diversity of faculty on DOOR (Douglas Open Repository) | Increase number of faculty on DOOR Improve distribution of faculties represented in DOOR Increase number of scholarly resources on DOOR, specifically Indigenous research and creative works Increase presence of Indigenous and creative works (faculty and student) Increase presence of creative works (faculty and students) in DOOR | 15% increase in faculty presence on DOOR 15% increase in faculty scholarship on DOOR 20% increase in creative works and Indigenous research on DOOR Host a DOOR student event focused on Indigenous students (working with Indigenous students' services) | Increase of 12.3% with diversity of faculty increasing.
Increase to 22 works of fiction and poetry which improved the diversity of faculty outputs in DOOR. | |
Improve use and uptake of DOOR | Increase traffic on DOOR Increase faculty use of primary sources (DC historical newspapers) in curriculum (eg Sociology, History) via DOOR Complete library guide and improve online submission process for faculty and students Create and provide easily fillable thesis cover templates for applied theses programs (e.g., Criminology) Host DOOR related events again for faculty and students, attend department meetings Profile Open Textbooks collection Increase faculty use of primary sources (DC historical newspapers) in curriculum (e.g., Sociology, History) | 20% increase in traffic on DOOR |
Not fully achieved
Open Textbooks profile increase achieved with 58% increase in views. | ||
Increase presence of student capstone research papers, theses, and presentations on DOOR | Increase number of student research projects, Applied Theses, capstone essays, presentations, STEP UP projects on DOOR Increase faculty sponsorship of student works of excellence | 20% increase in student scholarship on DOOR | Not fully achieved Student research on DOOR increased by 7%. | ||
Increase number of new collections to profile specific interdisciplinary research | Create collections for Indigenous research, urban forums, and other interdisciplinary research across faculties. Capture collaborations between students and faculty to profile interdisciplinary projects (particularly if from Ed leaves) | Populate DOOR with 2 new collections | Achieved Three new top level DOOR collections and 2 new sub collections for a total of 7 new and diverse collections were added this year. |
Eligible program expenditure category |
Output (investment or expense of RSF grant funds) |
Performance objective |
Performance indicator |
Target outcome |
Reported Outcome |
Research Facilities | $54,616 | Improve internal and external awareness of research being done at the College |
Improved visibility of 'hubs' of excellence in research at the College | New research pages on the College website to highlight Research Centres and Institutes | New research pages established and increased reported usage of Research Hubs and research equipment. |
Refreshed information page and resources (DC Connect) for faculty researchers. | 15% increase in traffic on DC Connect |
40% unique page views per month RIO DC Connect 72% unique page views per month REB DC Connect |
Create student resources page on website, including features of student-faculty collaborations and resources for SRA work | Pages written, approved and created | Achieved | |||
Create resources for faculty engaging in applied research to be available on DC Connect - industry and community partnerships, MITACS, and other relevant funding information | Pages written, approved and created | ||||
Baseline for number of page views established, views tracked for all pages | 20% increase in number of views | ||||
Improved visibility of student and faculty research at the College | Establish research 'stories' on 10 week rotation with Marketing and Communications 6 stories about faculty and student research per year New and refreshed research pages on the College website, including links to SoPs, webpage about Research Centres & Institutes 10% increase in number of faculty and staff who attend research events and workshops 10% increase in number of research presentations at HS department and faculty meetings and on the research display board |
9 research stories on faculty or students this year on DC Connect.
Refreshed pages with Research Centre webpage
Identify research and scholarship involvement and needs for faculty in Health Sciences (HS) | Determine the level of research and scholarship involvement within the Faculty of HS Identify specific knowledge, skills supports, and resources needed by faculty of HS to engage in research and scholarship |
Increase in number of faculty involved in research, quality Improvement (QI), and research mentorship 10% increase in faculty engaged in some form of research or scholarship |
33% of HS faculty respondents were involved in a research or QI project compared to 21.9% in the 2019-20 academic year. 26% of HS respondents reported being involved in some form of mentorship (colleague, student, researcher). 11.6% increase in number of cross-college faculty who reported being involved in a research project. Of those there was a 26.9% increase in those who reported being the PI. |
Improve management and application processes for internal research grants and the REB | Improved access to SOPs related to research | SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) reviewed, rewritten and more easily available on DC Connect 20% increase in number of faculty who follow SOPs, and overall reduction in number of faculty who do not abide by SOPs |
Improved access to internal research grants | Increased number of applications for internal grants | 59% increase in internal grant applications from 2020-21 | |||
Increased number of faculty who connect with RIO before engaging in research | 20% increase in number of faculty who reach out to RIO before conducting research |
14.8% increase in inquiries to RIO |
Faculty using Cayuse REB platform |
Cayuse forms, templates, etc. all uploaded and ready to use Cayuse software tested with super users and implemented for use by all College users. |
Upload completed. Testing phase to be complete for Spring semester. | |||
Research Resources | $79,374 | Improve ability of faculty to access necessary resources for conducting research | Increased number of licences and databases to meet faculty research needs | 5% increase on baseline usage (established in June 2019) 10% improvement in the utilization of research software and site licences. 10% increase in the number of licenses secured for faculty use |
10% in reported use of Library resources since 2019 34% more respondents indicated database usage since 2020 Increased reported use of Research Hubs and research equipment over past year |
Management and Administration | $262,338 | Improve faculty awareness and interest in conducting research | Increased number of faculty learning about research opportunities at the College and in the community Increased number of faculty applying for internal and external grants Faculty involvement in DARE projects Increased number of HS faculty involved in health sciences research |
At least 2 workshops provided to faculty to support research 5% increase in internal research funding applications 5% increase in external research funding applications At least 2 new / additional faculty engaged in DARE projects 10% increase in number of new projects or collaborations in HS |
Achieved: 3 workshops provided Achieved - 59% increase in internal funding Obtained CIHR Eligibility |
Increase awareness of Douglas Applied Research in Education (DARE) at Douglas College and in the wider community | Attendance at open houses and individual inquiries to DARE Increased number of community inquiries, referrals and projects |
Number of attendees at DARE open houses Number of inquiries regarding applied research Number of referrals Number of inquiries from community |
Improve student awareness and interest in participating in research as student research assistants (SRAs) | Improved tracking of student research Increased number of Douglas College students who are actively involved in research as SRAs Increased visibility of student research Increased demand for SRA opportunities at the College Student involvement in DARE |
10% increase in number of workshops provided to students to support their work as SRAs 5% increase in number of students employed as SRAs At least 5 students hired as Student Research Ambassadors At least 5 events (online or in person) organized by Student Research Ambassadors At least 5 students engaged in DARE projects |
Achieved: 15% increase in number of SRAs. Achieved |
Increase collaborations with community organizations |
Increased number of research affiliations with outside parties Improved process of creating contracts and agreements with outside partners |
10% increase in number of research affiliations |
Achieved increase to 14 from 11 or 27%. |
Improved access to and involvement in research-related events at the College | Increased number of research-related events at the College (Cafes, workshops, conferences, book launches, etc) |
5% increase in number of research-related events hosted at the College (Research Cafes, book launches, conferences, workshops, celebrations, etc) Author event with library partnership - sponsorship |
Achieved with addition of three workshops this year.
Achieved |
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation | $60,800 | Improved REB workflow |
Increased supports (templates, evaluation criteria, track changes) for both researchers and REB committee
Gain membership in REBC (Research Ethics British Columbia) for harmonizing the ethical review process between DC and BC health authorities |
20-30% decrease in initial REB review time 30-40% decrease in need for revisions 10-20% increase in volume of REB reviews annually |
Cayuse REB software ready for use in Spring semester. 12.5% increase in applications to Douglas REB plus 16 harmonized reviews. Achieved membership in REBC |
Intellectual property and Knowledge Mobilization | Increase the number and diversity of faculty on DOOR (Douglas Open Repository) |
Increased number of faculty on DOOR Improved distribution of faculties represented in DOOR Increased number of scholarly resources on DOOR, specifically Indigenous research and creative works Increased presence of Indigenous research at the College Increase presence of creative works (faculty and students) in DOOR |
25% increase in faculty presence on DOOR 25% increase in faculty scholarship on DOOR
20% increase in creative works and Indigenous research on DOOR |
Achieved 61.4% increase in faculty profiles on DOOR 32% increase in faculty scholarship and research on DOOR
Near doubling of creative works since last year and 29% increase in Indigenous works |
Improve use and uptake of DOOR | Increased traffic on DOOR Increased faculty use of primary sources (DC historical newspapers) in curriculum (eg Sociology, History) via DOOR |
20% increase in traffic on DOOR |
Achieved 28% increase in DOOR views |
Increase presence of student capstone research papers, theses, and presentations on DOOR | Increased number of student research projects and presentations on DOOR | 20% increase in student scholarship on DOOR |
Achieved 34% increase |
Create new collections to profile specific interdisciplinary research | Create collections for Indigenous research, urban forums and other interdisciplinary research across faculties | Populate DOOR with 2 new collections |
Achieved 4 new research collections, 1 Archival collection and 1 parent collection were added this year |
Improve information and resources to support DOOR | Complete library guide and improve online submission process for faculty and students | Post resources on the library website, DOOR website and RIO website |
Created a faculty page to help with the submission process to DOOR Created and posted new Applied Thesis templates Improved process for submission of student works to DOOR |
Institutional Performance Objectives (Fiscal Year 2020-21)
Eligible program expenditure category | Output (investment or expense of RSF grant funds) | Performance objective | Performance indicator | Target outcome | Reported Outcome |
Research Facilities | $80,000 | Improve internal and external awareness of research being done at the College |
Improved visibility of 'hubs' of excellence in research at the College | New research pages on the College website to highlight Research Centres and Institutes |
Target Met: Research pages on Douglas website refreshed. Established web-page for new Menstrual Research group Policies revised and currently in approval process. Will be promoted spring 2021 |
Refreshed information page and resources (DC Connect) for faculty researchers. | Information pages, application forms, and resources refreshed 15% increase in traffic on DC Connect |
Target Met: Forms and pages refreshed 23% increase in unique site visits on DC Connect over previous year |
Baseline for number of page views established, views tracked for all pages | 20% increase in number of views |
Target Met: 20.6% increase in number of views |
Improved visibility of student and faculty research at the College | Research pages on DC website refreshed Establish research 'stories' on 10 week rotation with Marketing and Communications 6 stories about faculty and student research per year New and refreshed research pages on the College website (Institutes, REB) 20% increase in number of faculty and staff who attend research events and workshops 10% increase in number of research presentations at HS department and faculty meetings and on the research display board |
Target Met: Target Delayed: 12 Health Science research presentations at Health Sciences research and scholarship meetings and department meetings between April 2020 and March 2021 |
Identify research and scholarship involvement and needs for faculty in Health Sciences (HS) | Determine the level of research and scholarship involvement within the Faculty of HS Identify specific knowledge, skills supports, and resources needed by faculty of HS to engage in research and scholarship |
Determine number of faculty involved in research, quality Improvement (QI), and research mentorship Increase in faculty engaged in some form of research or scholarship Increase in involvement in research |
13 Health Science faculty acting as research mentors for all other faculty and students. Target Met: 12% increase in number of Health Science faculty involved in research |
Improve management and application processes for internal research grants and the REB | Improved access to SoPs related to research | SOPs reviewed, rewritten and more easily available on DC Connect 10% increase in number of faculty who follow SOPs, and overall reduction in number of faculty who do not abide by SOPs |
Target Partially Met: 13 SOPs revised and condensed into 11 SOPs |
Increased number of faculty who connect with RIO before engaging in research | 10% increase in number of faculty who reach out to RIO before conducting research |
Baseline for new inquiries about research at the College established. 27 inquiries into research funding at the College |
Streamlined forms for REB and application process | REB forms, form letters, and other REB resources revised and uploaded on Cayuse software |
Target Met: Initial forms and templates ready for trial Waiting on Canadian servers to be ready for upload and first use by experienced researchers |
Research Resources | $99,395 | Improve ability of faculty to access necessary resources for conducting research | Increased number of licenses and databases to meet faculty research needs | 5% increase on baseline usage (established in June 2019) 10% improvement in the utilization of research software and site licences. 10% increase in the number of licenses secured for faculty use. |
Target Met: 6% increase in reported usage of Library and DOOR. |
Management and Administration | $368,703 | Improve faculty awareness and interest in conducting research | Increased number of faculty learning about research opportunities at the College and in the community Increased number of faculty applying for internal and external grants Faculty involvement in DARE projects Increased number of HS faculty involved in health sciences research |
At least 2 workshops provided to faculty to support research 5 percent increase in internal research funding applications 5 percent increase in external research funding applications At least 2 new / additional faculty engaged in DARE projects 10% increase in new projects or collaborations in HS |
Target Not Met: Decreased internal funding applications due to COVID (-69%). Target Met: 36% increase in value of external funding received by DC faculty($189,860) Target Met:
Increase awareness of Douglas Applied Research in Education (DARE) at Douglas College and in the wider community | Attendance at open houses and individual inquiries to DARE Increased number of community inquiries, referrals and projects |
At least 2 faculties in the College aware of DARE and how to contact DARE PI (O'Laocha) At least 2 new community based inquiries and one new community partnered initiative |
Target Met: 3 additional requests for funding submitted in support of the New West Digital Inclusion Partnership. |
Create a positive impact on Douglas College community and partnering organizations and individuals via involvement with DARE | Have a positive impact on DC learning and education through experiential learning opportunities, case studies, research findings and educational material creation Have a positive impact on the organizations and individuals with whom DARE partners |
1 case study published and at least 5 students involved in experiential learning
Target Met: Digital Inclusion Partnership including the City of New West., Purpose Society, Homeless Coalition of New Westminster, New Westminster Literacy Round Table, Ministry of Children and Families |
Improve student awareness and interest in participating in research as student research assistants (SRAs) | Improved tracking of student research |
10% increase in the number of workshops provided to students to support their work as SRAs
5% increase in the number of students employed as SRAs 5 students hired as student research ambassadors A minimum of 5 events or workshops organized by the student research ambassadors At least 5 students engaged in DARE projects |
Target Not Met: 15.8% decrease in SRA positions compared to 2020-21, but increase of 27.8% over 2018-19. Decrease most likely due to COVID constraining research projects Target Met 30% in reported student involvement in research outside of class. 8 students hired as student research ambassadors 32 faculty involved in supervising or working with SRAmbassadors SRAmbassadors participated in 30+ workshops, conferences, meetings with mentors, and college events 17 online events organized by SRAmbassadors |
Increase collaborations with community organizations | Increased number of research affiliations with outside parties Improved process of creating contracts and agreements with outside partners Increased number of partnerships or collaborations with external health care and academic partners (HS) |
10% increase in number of research affiliations
Target Met: 1 partnerships formed with faculty in HS |
Improved access to and involvement in research-related events at the College | Increased number of research-related events at the College (Cafes, conferences, book launches, etc) | 5% increase in number of research-related events hosted at the College (Research Cafes, book launches, conferences, workshops, celebrations, etc) 10% increase in number of DC employees attended Research Cafes and other events 10% increase in number of participants in High Impact Practices in Education initiatives (# research salons, # workshops, # conferences) |
Target Met: 2019-20-2 research cafes and 1 conference increased to 8 research cafes in 2020-21. A week long series of 7 events about the wide-ranging social impacts of COVID-19. Events included panels,community dialogue sessions a student research showcase and keynote address. There were over 400 in attendance across the 7 events. |
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation | $51,400 | Improved REB workflow | Increased supports (templates, evaluation criteria, track changes) for both researchers and REB committee | 20-30% decrease in initial REB review time 30-40% decrease in need for revisions 10-20% increase in volume of REB reviews annually |
24 applications and 14 amendment requests (last year-24 approvals) Insufficient information on amendments. Baseline established |
Intellectual property and Knowledge Mobilization | $5,000 | Increase the number and diversity of faculty on DOOR (Douglas Open Repository) |
Increased number of faculty on DOOR Improved distribution of faculties represented in DOOR Increased number of scholarly resources on DOOR, specifically Indigenous research and creative works Increased presence of Indigenous research at the College Increase presence of creative works (faculty and students) in DOOR |
50% increase in faculty presence on DOOR 30% increase in faculty scholarship on DOOR 20% increase in creative works and Indigenous research on DOOR |
Target Met: Over 280% increase in faculty profiles. Faculty scholarship increase from 194 March 2020 to over 994. Less than 5 indigenous works last year to over 30 this year. |
Improve use and uptake of DOOR |
Increased traffic on DOOR |
50% increase in traffic on DOOR |
Target Met: 39% increase in page views. This indicates increase in usage of primary source collections. |
Increase presence of student capstone research papers, theses, and presentations on DOOR | Increased number of student research projects and presentations on DOOR | 30% increase in student scholarship on DOOR |
Target Met: Increase of student works of excellence and capstone papers. 70% increase in student research posters over last year |
Institutional Performance Objectives (Fiscal Year 2019-20)
RSF Grant Allocations for Previous Years
Fiscal Year | Total Amount | Research Facilities | Research Resources | Management and Administration | Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation | Intellectual Property |
2022-23 | 304,698 | 28,488 | 34,315 | 211,695 | 30,200 | 0 |
2021-22 | 457,128 | 57,144 | 70,774 | 296,288 | 29,400 | 3,522 |
2020-21 | 604,498 | 51,956 | 196,746 | 309,643 | 43,259 | 2,894 |
2019-20 | 541,967 | 36,754 | 131,258 | 244,585 | 106,615 | 22,755 |
2018-19 | 302,252 | 60,450 | 60,451 | 120,901 | 30,225 | 3,225 |
2017-18 | 17,365 | 17,365 | ||||
2016-17 | 26,576 | 26,576 | ||||
2015-16 | 36,676 | 36,676 |
Fraser Health Authority |