Final exam FAQ

Review frequently asked questions below about Douglas College final exams.


When the final exam schedule is published, some students may find they have conflicting exam times or have too many exams within a short period of time. Consult the list below to see if you qualify to have your exam conflict resolved. If so, one of your instructors should be contacting you, but if they do not, please inform them you have an exam conflict so they can work with you to resolve it.

Final Examinations will be rescheduled for any student with:

  1. Two (2) or more examinations at the same time, or

  2. Three (3) or more examinations within a 24-hour period (e.g., from 8:30 a.m. to 8:29 a.m. the following day)

Students will be provided a minimum of two (2) hours travel time, between final examinations which are scheduled at two (2) different campuses. The instructor or department/faculty of the second examination will accommodate the student.

Final examinations will not be rescheduled for reasons other than those noted above.

The Scheduling Department will inform departments of students with exam conflict once the final exam schedule is published. The department/instructor will work with the student to make alternative arrangements for their exam. Instructors are responsible for informing students of any changes made after the final exam timetable has been posted.

Find the final exam building legend below:

AOTAnvil Office Tower
DLACoquitlam - Bldg. A
DLBCoquitlam - Bldg. B
DLCCoquitlam - Bldg. C
DLDCoquitlam - Bldg. D
NWNNew Westminster - North Bldg.
NWSNew Westminster - South Bldg.