E2P medical coding (HDCR 540)

Course nameE2P Medical Coding
Course description

This is course has also been referred to and was previously called Health Data Classification Refresher.

This self-study program consists of ICD-10- pathophysiology and related interventions; application of coding theory to coding exercises with self-assessment, sectional and final exams. Students are assigned an instructor upon registration.

The focus of this course is on application of ICD-10-CA and CCI to classification in the acute care hospital environment. The course is organized according to the CIHI Major Clinical Categories (MCC).

This course qualifies for 30 CPE credits with CHIMA.

The course is designed for health information management professionals who

  • have not coded for some years and who wish to update their coding knowledge and skills;
  • wish to refresh their coding knowledge and skills to keep current with industry changes;
  • have foreign credentials and are seeking to fulfill eligibility requirements for Canadian certification through CHIMA.
Subject codeHDCR 540
Learning objectivesBy the end of this course, the students will:
• Develop or review knowledge in health care classification using the ICD-10-CA and CCI      classifications;
• Develop or review knowledge of pathophysiology and health care interventions by applying classification standards for specified Major Clinical Categories using the ICD-10-CA and CCI classification systems;
• Apply critical thinking skills to the coding process;
• Apply national, provincial and local standards for data classification;
• Develop an appreciation for the importance of data consistency and integrity.


Resource materials not included in tuition fee. Contact the Douglas College Bookstore for prices and ordering information.

  • A copy of diploma or other proof of graduation from a CHIMA-recognized health information management program, or other proof of eligibility for CHIMA certification listed here:  https://www.echima.ca/cchim/certification or;
  • ​​​​A current CV outlining professional experience and qualifications
    • an appropriate combination of experience and education may satisfy eligibility requirement pending departmental review
  • Completion of English 12 with a minimum grade of “C+” or proof of equivalent.
    • Students who register are understood to be confirming successful completion of this requirement. Proof of successful completion is not required on registration but may be requested by Douglas College.
Course contentThis course covers the following topics:
• Essentials of classification:
o The coding process
o ICD-10-CA
o Applying the coding process
• Application to body systems and special circumstances;
• Neoplasia and lymphoma, leukemia or unspecified site neoplasms;
• Multisystemic or unspecified site Infections;
• Diseases and disorders of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and breast;
• Diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue;
• Diseases and disorders of the circulatory system (cardiac);
• Diseases and disorders of the circulatory system (vascular);
• Diseases and disorders of the blood and blood forming organs and immunological disorders;
• Diseases and disorders of the respiratory system;
• Diseases and disorders of the digestive system;
• Diseases and disorders of the hepatobiliary system & pancreas;
• Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections;
• Diseases and disorders of the eye;
• Diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, mouth and throat;
• Diseases and disorders of the kidney and urinary tract;
• Diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system;
• Diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system;
• Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases and disorders;
• Diseases and disorders of the nervous system;
• Mental (and behavioural) diseases and disorders;
• Injury, poisoning and toxic effects;
• Other reasons for hospitalization;
• Burns;
• Significant trauma;
• Complications of medical care;
• Pregnancy and childbirth;
• Newborns and other neonates with conditions originating in the perinatal period.
Learning resources
  • Fletcher, J.  (2022).  ICD-10-CA/CCI Classification Primer (9th ed). Self-published. Available from the Douglas College Bookstore
  • ICD-10-CA/CCI Folio Views (Version 2022) [Computer software]. Canadian Institute of Health Information.  Each student has access to one folio license as long as they are a member of CHIMA. More information can be found here on the CHIMA website.
Instruction method

Self-paced, self-guided independent study using the Classification Primer and the Canadian Coding Standards; online interactions supported through use of Blackboard.

Due to the nature of an online delivery, the student will be expected to be proficient in computer skills including email, adding attachments, navigating the internet etc. Resources for getting started with Blackboard are available online to help get the student comfortable in the Blackboard environment.



  • Coding exercises from the Primer (ungraded)
  • Research exercises and chart reviews
  • 3 exams
GradingMinimum grade to pass is C+ (65%).

An official Douglas College transcript can be ordered via my Account.

Upon successful completion of all program requirements, you will be awarded a Douglas College Continuing Education program certificate. This certificate is issued by the Graduation Office in the Office of the Registrar.

Completion timeframe

8 months (210 hours) from course start date

Any deviations from the expected time frames must be communicated to your instructor beforehand and must meet the requirements posted on the CEHS website and noted in the Student Handbook. 

Registration and course start

Email the required pre-requisite information for review.

Upon approval you will be prompted for registration information, then CE Registration office will connect with payment instructions.

Payment of the tuition fee must accompany registration.

Instructions on how to access your course materials will be emailed to you by the Program Assistant within five (5) business days prior to your chosen course start date.

Course start dates

Course CRN provided by department upon fulfilling prerequisites.