- BA, University of Toronto
- MA, Concordia University
- PhD, McMaster University

Joey has teaching and research interests in urban environments, housing, transportation and social change. He is a co-editor of Sociology of Home: Belonging, Community, and Place in the Canadian Context and has published academic articles on urban homemaking, environmental movements and motherhood and mompreneurship. Joey attained a PhD in Sociology from McMaster University where he studied labour and environmental movement efforts to shape forestry and environmental policy in British Columbia. His Masters’ degree in sociology was completed at Concordia University in Montreal where he studied struggles between environmental activists and corporate interests over the implementation of curbside recycling programs. Growing up in a small mining community in Northern Ontario, Joey was introduced to the city and sociology during his undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto.
Tel: 604 527 5427
Office: N3308F
Courses taught
- SOCI 1125 Introduction to Sociology
- SOCI 1155 Social Issues
- SOCI 2255 Popular Culture
- SOCI 2280 Sociology of Health and Illness
Research areas
Inequality, sociology of home, urban sociology, social movements, work
Selected publications
Anderson, Gillian and Joseph G. Moore (2020). “Reproducing Precarity: Representations of Mompreneurship, Family and Work in a British Columbian Parenting Magazine.” In Talia Esnard and Melanie Knight (Eds.), Mothering and Entrepreneurship: Global perspectives, Identities and Complexities. Demeter Press.
Anderson, Gillian, Joseph G. Moore and Laura Suski (Eds). (2016) Sociology of Home: Belonging Community and Place in the Canadian Context. Canadian Scholars Press.
Moore, Joseph G. (2016) “Urban Homemaking Projects and the Neighbourhood Politics of Home.” In Anderson, Gillian, Joseph G. Moore and Laura Suski, (Eds.), Sociology of Home: Belonging Community and Place in the Canadian Context. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Anderson, Gillian and Joseph Moore (2014). “‘Doing It All…and Making It Look Easy!’: Yummy Mummies, Mompreneurs and the North American Neoliberal Crises of the Home.” In Melinda Vandenbeld-Giles (Ed.), Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism. Demeter Press.
Joseph G. Moore (2005). “Environment and Class in Canada’s Hinterland Communities: Places and Names but More Than All That.” In Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek; Anna Reczyńska and Anna Śpiewak (Eds.), Place and memory in Canada: Global Perspectives, 3rd Congress of Polish Association for Canadian Studies and 3rd International Conference of Central European Canadianists. Polska Akademia Umiejętności.
Joseph G. Moore. (1995). “On the Problems and Possibilities of a Green Social Theory.” In Michael D. Mehta and Eric Ouellet (Eds.). Environmental Sociology: Theory and Practice. North York: Captus Press, 1995.
Joseph G. Moore. (1993). “The Notion of Recycling in the Ideological Conflict of Business and Environmental Interests,” Collection Séminaire de Recherche no.2. Laboratoire de recherches sociologiques, Université Laval.