Lisa Sim

Lisa Sim headshot

Have you thought about what drives employees at Douglas College? Hear from our employee, Lisa Sim, who works as an Administrative Officer in the Learning Resources department, on why she loves working with students!

Why I LOVE what I DO

I spend a lot of time communicating about and supporting Library outreach activities. I have so much to share about! Plus of course, I’m keeping on top of general Learning Resources admin tasks and working and helping with different people across the College. And that’s tied with the fact that I really like the people I work with. 

Favourite Thing About My Job

I appreciate being in a workplace that is about serving and helping people. For many years, I worked at the Library's check-out counter and found it really rewarding to help students and employees find the information or item they needed, or to resolve a problem for them. Now I am a little more behind-the-scenes, but I feel the same way about working with the whole Learning Resources team and others around the college – I just want to help! 

Did You Know?

  • You are going to hear me talk a lot about my dog, Bradley (in fact, you already have!)  
  • I love to get laughs. I’m reasonably successful at it. 
  • I really value clear communication, being on the same page as those I work with and sharing information.