Essential Skills for Supervisors

Essential Skills: The Role of Management, Leadership, and Coaching (4 Hours)


Unfortunately, many Supervisors in the workplace today have never received any formal supervisory training for their role. They may have been great employees, which is usually the reason they were promoted, but moving from managing yourself to supervising other people can be an incredible leap. This workshop is designed for both new and experienced Supervisors who wish to move beyond basic management skills and develop strong abilities to better lead their teams and shape their corporate culture.

This workshop links theory to practice with hands-on, action-based essential skills focused on:

  • Differentiation of roles;
  • Developing consistent attitudes with flexible strategies;
  • A CLEAR coaching model;
  • Leadership Styles;
  • Leadership and Coaching Self-Assessment; and
  • The language of leadership.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1795.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Making the Transition to Supervisor (3 Hours)

Making the move from co-worker to Supervisor can be a tricky transition. Often, former co-workers don’t want to treat you as their boss. They may want to continue treating you as one of the groups out of habit or because of existing relationships. Other emotions such as jealousy, fear, or frustration can fuel a lack of respect, behavioural pushback, and diminishing trust.

This basic training for new Supervisors provides you with easy-to-apply tools needed to make a successful transition into your new role. The workshop includes practical basic management know-how to plan, organize, coach, motivate, delegate, and communicate in order to be an effective new Supervisor. Topics include:

  • Managing personal relationships;
  • Combatting negativity and building trust;
  • Their perception becomes your reality;
  • It’s not a popularity contest, it’s about getting results;
  • A Prioritization Model; and
  • Productivity Tips.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1395.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Creating a Culture of Excellence (3 Hours)

Most Supervisors (and employees) don’t begin their day with the intention of achieving average results. Sometimes, what they focus on or how they behave, sets less than excellent standards and expectations. Instead of hard-driving, short-term performance programs, organizations today need to shift to a long-term game. By influencing the culture of the entire organization towards a mindset of excellence, Supervisors can set high standards, eliminate old habits and build organizational capacity focused on constant improvement.

Trainees in this workshop will roll up their sleeves and dive into:

  • Critical success factors;
  • The 5 attitudes of excellence;
  • Communicating the organizational vision;
  • Breaking down the barriers;
  • Moving from problem-solving to creating desired results; and
  • Sustainability.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1395.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Effective Communication for Supervisors (4 Hours)

Supervisors of all levels within an organization need to be able to communicate effectively with employees, colleagues, and upper management. By improving communication skills, Supervisors can improve the flow of information, enhance teamwork, promote accountability, reduce errors, ramp up productivity, and provide greater consistency with fewer errors. Ultimately, effective communication improves the bottom line and facilitates growth.

Effective Communication for Supervisors workshop helps supervisors build strong communication skills and helps them promote the development of these skills among their employees. Participants will:

  • Understand the benefits of effective workplace communication;
  • Learn effective communication techniques – both verbal and non-verbal;
  • Explore the effect of body language on relationships and trust;
  • Recognize obstacles to effective communication;
  • How to deal with Challenging Personalities; and
  • Apply effective communications for difficult conversations.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1795.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Resolving Conflicts and Difficult Situations (4 Hours)

Challenging situations are a fact of life in any workplace. These situations arise for a variety of reasons including our own or other people’s behaviours, conflicts of interest, personality clashes, errors, and a variety of unexpected circumstances. If managed well, they can have a powerful and positive effect. But if managed poorly, or ignored, they can be disastrous for business as conflicts negatively affect staff morale, efficiency, and commitment.

In this highly interactive workshop geared specifically for Supervisors, participants will not only learn effective strategies to resolve conflicts and difficult situations with sensitivity and respect, but they will also participate in active role-playing to hone their skills. During the workshop, participants will explore:

  • The Opportunity of Conflict;
  • Elements of effective communication during a conflict;
  • ‘Response-ability’, or your ability to respond;
  • Effective strategies for different circumstances;
  • Breakthrough communication, the ‘Trust Effect’ and gaining resolution;
  • Courageous Conversations; and
  • Applying different strategies to handle demanding situations.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1795.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Decision Making, Critical Thinking & Creativity (4 Hours)

Supervisors with critical thinking skills can understand the logical connections between ideas, identify inconsistencies or mistakes in reasoning, and make effective decisions. Leaders that can develop these skills can also guide their people in creative problem solving, thereby improving productivity, and realizing potential opportunities for sales, service and organizational growth. People and organizations that understand and use critical and creative thinking methods can deal with complex situations, make better and faster decisions, create a more collaborative team environment, plan, manage and implement solutions more thoroughly and effectively, and generate innovative ideas to effectively manage costs and grow the business.

Participants in this workshop will sharpen their ability to unpack problems and opportunities and make well-informed decisions using their own real-world challenges.

This workshop will help participants:

  • Explore concepts and skills for critical thinking and solution-oriented problem solving;
  • Fine-tune team decision making to multiply potential options;
  • Use proven frameworks to customize their situational problem-solving approach;
  • Coach their employees to bring them ideas, rather than problems;
  • Increase their chances of success when offering recommendations; and
  • Promote a culture focused on innovation and growth.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1795.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Performance Management (7 Hours)

Performance management is not a negative process… unless everyone thinks it is. Many employees and Supervisors believe that performance management is for ‘problem employees’, or when behaviour or work results are less than desirable. The HR Council of Canada defines performance management as “the process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the organization”. More than just an annual performance review, performance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress, and providing on-going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals. Performance management, as part of a holistic approach to employee development, can be quite a positive process for both employees and Supervisors.

This full-day workshop will allow Supervisors to learn how to diagnose performance opportunities and the root-causes of performance problems, reinforce exemplary behaviour and work closely with their people to develop a mindset of accountability. Program participants will:

  • Explore techniques for planning, coaching and reviewing performance on an ongoing basis;
  • Gain clarity on mindset, ability and role challenges for employees;
  • Learn the art of providing constructive feedback;
  • Explore Motivation Theory and Goal Alignment;
  • Examine bench-marking strategies and setting realistic performance targets;
  • Learn how to deal with challenging performance;
  • Explore processes for performance discipline;
  • Learn strategies to ensure appropriate documentation; and
  • How to foster an environment of open communication and fairness.

The price per on-site group workshop is $2,995.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Creating Respectful & Inclusive Workplaces (4 hours)

The numbers are difficult to determine, but most Canadian experts agree that workplace bullying is a problem and is also rarely reported to management. There are many reasons why this happens including:

  • Employees are fearful of retaliation from the bully… or other members of the team;
  • Victims may be ashamed or embarrassed;
  • They may be worried that they will be labelled as a ‘snitch’;
  • They might feel like maybe they deserve it, or that they should have to deal with it themselves; or
  • Even though reported, management will do nothing.

This important workshop focuses specifically on the Supervisor’s role in building and supporting the culture of respect and inclusivity within the workplace. Supervisors in this workshop will gain clarity on:

  • Principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI);
  • Workplace attitudes & behaviours that drive bullying and harassment;
  • What bullying ‘is’ and ‘isn’t’;
  • Workplace behaviour policies – communication and enforcement;
  • Procedures for reporting incidents and conducting investigations;
  • Effective questioning skills to get accurate details;
  • Recordkeeping responsibilities;
  • Being fair, impartial and trustworthy;
  • Bullying and harassing behaviour from Supervisors; and
  • Preventing retaliation.

The price per on-site group workshop is $1795.00 plus applicable taxes (up to 18 seats).

Click here for more information about Supervisory Training Courses for Individuals

Some BC employers may have access to funding through the B.C. Employer Training Grant (ETG) which supports skills training to address provincial labour market needs. The program is delivered by the Province of British Columbia and is funded by the Government of Canada through the Workforce Development Agreement (WDA).  For more information on the Grant and to check eligibility... Click Here for More Details



Contact us

For more information on available training programs or a free consultation contact:

David McLellan
T. 604-365-9564

Follow the Training Group on socials