- A51 Douglas College Policy Framework
- A51 Administration Policy Template and Formatting Requirements
- A75 Douglas College Standard Operating Procedures Framework
- A26 Emeriti Designation Policy
Academic and Student Affairs
- A35 Academic Freedom
- A65 Assessment and Treatment Care Plan Policy
- A01 College Use of Copyrighted Works
- A31 Commercialization of Intellectual Property
- A33 Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans
- A66 Impairment Policy for Students
- A32 Integrity in Research and Scholarship
- A47 Off-Campus Activity Involving Students
- A73 Pedagogical Merit Review Policy for Animal-Based Teaching
- A74 Post-Approval Monitoring Program Policy for Animal Care and Use
- A41 Program Cancellation Policy
- A38 Program Review Policy
- A71 Research Centres and Institutes Policy
- A20 Student Non-academic Misconduct
- A61 Student Awards
- A28 Timetable and Course Scheduling Policy
Buildings and Facilities
- A06 College Closure
- A46 Minors on Campus
- A14 Use of College Facilities
- A15 Use of the Douglas College Concourse and Atriums (pdf)
External Relations and Advancement
- A08 Advertising and Promotional Activities on College Property
- A52 College Communications
- A36 Honorary Fellow
Finance and Accounting
- A45 Business and Travel Expenses Policy
- A21 College Acceptance of Student Award Funds
- A54 Contracts Policy
- A68 Enterprise Risk Management Policy
- A76 Fraud Prevention Policy
- A18 Fundraising and Sponsorship Policy
- A62 Investment Policy
- A12 Naming Policy
- A55 Procurement Policy
- A23 Self-Funded Activities Policy
- A63 Signing Authorities for Procurement Activities
- A57 Tuition and Fees
Human Resources
- A22 Accommodation Policy for Employees
- A19 Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Response
- A02 Conflict of Interest
- A59 Human Rights
- A64 Impairment Policy for Employees
- A43 Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower)
- A37 Respectful and Inclusive Environment
- A70 Work from Home
Information Management
- A56 Acceptable Use of Computer and Information Technology Policy
- A25 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Policy
- A42 Information Security Policy
Learning Resources
- A04 Archives Policy
- A49 Records and Information Management
- A50 Scholarly Repository and Research Collection