Criminology faculty

Lorree Bogden


MA (Simon Fraser)

Women in conflict with the law, media and crime

Tel: 604 777 6158 (Coquitlam campus)




Experience includes running a reintegration program for high-risk female offenders and counselling men and women in trouble with the law with addictions and anger management problems.

Research Interests

Research interests include reintegrative efforts for federally sentenced female offenders, issues concerning women in conflict with the law and crime and the media.


Graeme Bowbrick

Legal Studies Coordinator

KC, BA (SFU), LLB (Victoria), LLM (UBC)

Public law, human rights law, civil liberties, legal research




Experience as a lawyer in both private practice and government. Political, legislative and executive experience in government as an MLA and cabinet minister, including two cabinet portfolios: Minister of Advanced Education, and Attorney General of British Columbia.


Interests include development and implementation of public policy in a variety of areas. Substantive law interests in constitutional law, administrative law, human rights and civil liberties law.


John Cater


MA (Windsor), retired RCMP S/Sgt

Policing, organized crime and gang activity, major crime investigations

Tel: 604 527 5841 (New West. campus)




Operational experience across the majority of police business lines, with a particular focus on complex Major Crime investigations, advanced police techniques and strategies. 

Research interests

Research interests relate to organized crime and gang activity, trans national crime, intelligence led policing and serial offenders. 


Tara Chang

Youth Justice Coordinator

MA (Simon Fraser)

Youth and youth justice issues, criminological theory

Tel: 604 527 5597 (Coquitlam campus)




Experience includes working with youth and young offenders in the courts.

Research interests

Research interests include youth, young offenders and criminology theory.


Lisa David


Civil litigation, Human rights and civil liberties

Tel: 604 527 5301 (New Westminster campus)




Experience as a private practitioner in civil litigation. Also, provided access to justice for low income clients in the areas of criminal law, family law, tort law, contract law and wills and estates.

Research interests

Areas of interest include criminal law, the administration of justice, constitutional law, civil law, human rights, civil liberties and  wrongful convictions.


Beth de Beer

MA (Simon Fraser)

Corrections, female offenders and feminist theory

Tel: 604 527 5341 (New Westminster campus)




Experience includes work in adult and youth probation, corrections and prison education.

Research interests

Research areas concentrate on correctional issues, female offenders, fear of crime and feminist studies.

Tracey Dowdeswell

BSc (U of A), MA (SFU), LLB (McGill), BCL (McGill), LLM (York), PhD (York)

Criminal Law, Immigration Law, Evidence, Science & Technology Law

Tel.: 604 527 5510 (New Westminster Campus)




Experience running an immigration and criminal law practice, focusing on refugee law, international law, as well as skilled worker and family class applications.

Research Interests

Research interests focus on the intersection between law and data science, particularly in the legal construction of identity. Specific topics include the regulation of Artificial Intelligence, and the use of forensic genomics in the criminal justice system.

Caroline Greaves

Criminology Coordinator

MA, PhD (Simon Fraser University)

Sex offenders and offences, mental health, risk assessment, research methods, forensic psychology 

Tel: 604 527 5301 (New Westminster campus)




Professional experience includes development and implementation of risk assessment instruments, training and education with forensic/clinical practitioners.

Research interests

Research experience includes criminal justice involved mentally disordered populations, general and sex offenders.


Kelsey Gushue


PhD Student (SFU), MA (SFU)




I have worked extensively on research projects relating to youth crime involvement. In addition, I have been involved in a number of projects relating to risk assessment within the criminal justice system and program evaluation. 


Research Interests

Youth involved in crime; developmental and life course criminology; criminological theory; quantitative research methods

My research has been published in Crime and Delinquency, Criminal Justice and Behaviour, and Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, among others. 


Alicia Horton

BA (Hon 1st SFU), MA, PhD (Queen’s University)

Tel: 604 527 5964 (New West. campus)




Experience with field research, participant observation and in-depth qualitative interviewing with hard to reach populations.

Research interests

Research areas of interest include prison culture, prison violence and conflict survival strategies, research ethics, body studies and popular criminology. Theoretical interest in gender and masculinities, symbolic interactionist, constructionist and social problems theories.


Niki Huitson


Biosocial models of crime and deviance, policy analysis, research methods, and forensics

Tel: 604 777 6058 (Coquitlam campus)




Experience includes death scene investigator, forensic entomologist, and crime prevention researcher.

Research interests

Research interests include fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, addictions, criminal justice and health policy, risk factors and predictors of behavior, and forensics. 


Aaren Ivers

MA, PhD (Simon Fraser)

Tel:  604-527-5053 (NW campus)

        604-777-6038 (Coquitlam campus) 




Researcher and author with publications related to prison programs for Indigenous offenders, cannabis legalization, and institutional research ethics.  

Research interests

Research interests include Indigenous law and jurisdiction, the Government of Canada's Indigenous policy, drug policy, illicit drug markets, and research ethics.  

Hannele Jantti

MA (Simon Fraser)

Young offenders, Indigenous justice

Tel: 604 527 5742 (New Westminster campus)




Experience includes child protection and social work for provincial government, and community work in substance abuse prevention.

Research interests

Research interests include Indigenous law and jurisdiction, the Government of Canada's Indigenous policy, drug policy, illicit drug markets, and research ethics.  


Patrick Lalonde

BA Coordinator

PhD (Waterloo)

Canadian Border Security, Migration, Policing, and Surveillance




Experience includes prior work as a border services officer through FSEWP with Canada Border Services Agency as well as in-depth institutional analysis of CBSA policies and training practices. Currently serving as a Provincial Board Member on the New Westminster Police Department Police Board and as a Director on the BC Association of Police Boards.

Research interests

Research interests include Canadian border security, surveillance, policing, and technologization and simulation of migration/mobility.



Logan Macnair

PhD (Simon Fraser University)




Experience includes researching at the International CyberCrime Research Centre, working as research consult for a private national security company, and helping with the development of a local counter-extremism/anti-radicalization initiative.

Research interests

Research interests include terrorism, extremism, social media, radicalization, and social theory.

Principal Publications

Research has been published in the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Critical Studies in Terrorism, Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, and the Journal for Deradicalization, among others.


Jeffrey Mathesius




I have been involved in various criminology research projects examining 1) development of conduct problems and their associated risk/needs factors; 2) preventative services for adult sex offenders; and 3) comprehensive investigation of sexual recidivism.  

Research Interests

Some of my research interests include: development of aggression and sexual behaviours; temperament and antisocial propensity; effectiveness of contemporary criminal justice policies and sex offenders.

Noah Neaman

LLM (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Criminal law, human rights, international law, environmental law

Tel: 604 527 5053 (New Westminster campus)




Experienced as a private practitioner, courtroom duty counsel and criminal defense, Sierra Legal Defense Fund and Law Courts Education Society.

Research interests

Areas of interest include human rights, international law and criminal and civil law.


Colleen Pawlychka

PhD (Simon Fraser)

Restorative justice, community and institutional corrections, prisoners, masculinities, childhood psychological trauma.

Tel: 604-527-5053 (New Westminster campus)




Experienced in restorative justice and conflict resolution, correctional practice and policy, prisoner reintegration, community crime prevention.

Research interests

Areas of interest include restorative justice, trauma and trauma informed approaches, punishment, violent offenders, institutional corrections & prison reform.


Charmaine Perkins


Tel: 604-527-5053 (New Westminster campus)




Qualitative research methods, genocide and mass atrocities against civilians (international human rights law), minorities and the criminal justice system, crime and media.


Aynsley Pescitelli

PhD Candidate (SFU), MA (SFU), BA (1st Class Hons) (SFU)




Recent research and professional experience include work in:  postsecondary sexual violence policy and procedures; crime and social media; outcomes of bail hearings in Ontario and British Columbia; postsecondary teaching and learning; sexual violence and the media; bullying & harassment in online settings.

Research Interests:

Research interests include: media representations of crime and criminal justice, sexual violence; crime on campus; victimology, feminist criminology; minorities and the criminal justice system; cybervictimization; hate crime; the female offender; teaching criminology & criminal justice.

Andrew Reid

Practicum Coordinator

PhD (Simon Fraser)

Sentencing, courts, policing, crime prevention, crime analysis

Tel: 604 527 5838 (New Westminster campus)




Experience includes researching at the Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies, victim services casework and working with at-risk youth. 

Research interests

Research interests include criminal case processing patterns, crime prevention evaluation, economics of policing and harm reduction policy.

Principal Publications

Research has been published in the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, among others.


Michael Sporer

LLB (Alberta)

Law and liberty, private law, constitutional law 

Tel: 604 527 5562 (New Westminster campus)




Professional experience as a civil litigator with an emphasis on tort litigation. Has previously served on the Executive of the Trial Lawyers' Association of British Columbia (TLABC) and served on the Judicial Advisory Committee for British Columbia (2009-2011).  

Recognized as a Master Advocate by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) and was a long-time member of the Editorial Board of the Verdict, the award winning quarterly published by the TLABC.  

Research interests

Primary academic interests include the relationship between law and liberty, the moral and legal limits of state power and the history and future of freedom in the West.







Retired Faculty:

Colin Campbell

Faculty Emeritus

PhD (Simon Fraser), Retired

Canadian gambling regulation, public and private law enforcement



Experience includes research and policy analysis for private and public sector agencies, including the Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society.

Research interests

Research interests include socio-legal history of Canadian gambling laws and regulatory policies, gambling and crime, and the political economy of gambling. 


Linda Fisher

MA (Simon Fraser)

Indigenous and criminal justice issues, professional skills development



Experience includes research and policy development in northern and Indigenous justice issues.

Research interests

Areas of research include Indigenous and the administration of justice, and professional and job skill development for criminal justice students.

Cynthia Fulton

Faculty Emeritus

LLB (Victoria), Retired

Criminal law, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the administration of justice



Experience in labour and administrative law as counsel to the BC Labour Relations Board and in criminal prosecutions as Crown Counsel with the BC Ministry of the Attorney General, as well as in private practice.

Research interests

Research interests include criminal law, the administration of justice, constitutional law and mentally ill offenders.


Kathy Hunter

LLB (Dalhousie)

Criminal law, constitutional law, civil liberties



Experienced private practitioner and Crown counsel in the area of criminal law.

Research interests

Areas of interest include criminal and constitutional law, evidence, civil liberties, and young offenders.

Randy Mackoff

PhD (British Columbia), Retired

Criminal victimization, police psychology



Experienced in private practice as a registered psychologist with the Canadian Registry of Health Care Providers.

Research interests

Research interests include criminal victimization and police psychology.

Contract Faculty:


Rusty Antonuk




Dilvur Dub


PhD Student (SFU, School of Criminology) 


Dave LyonLLB (UBC), PhD (SFU)
Brooke ProcykMA (University of the Fraser Valley
Keith DormondPhD (University of British Columbia), Vancouver Police Dep. Det/Cst. Retired.
Kale Pauls

PhD (Psychology), MA (Criminal Justice), BA (Psychology/Criminology)



Rick Parent


PhD (Simon Fraser University), Delta Police Department, Sgt. Retired

Associate Professor, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University.  Retired.



For general inquiries

For Criminology general inquiries, please contact Humanities and Social Sciences at 604 527 5780. 

Have questions?

For questions about the Criminology program, credentials offered or career options, please contact the Program Coordinator.
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