T2202 tax form instructions
The College issues T2202 (formerly T2202A) tax forms each year to students for tuition fees paid that are eligible for income tax reporting purposes. These forms are available to print on the last day of February for the previous tax year.
The Canadian Revenue Agency requires Douglas College to collect and report student Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) on individual T2202 tax forms.
To ensure the College can accurately produce these forms, please submit or verify your SIN by accessing your MyAccount and using the online form:
- Login to MyAccount
- Select “Personal Information”
- Select “Update Social Insurance Information”
- Use the form to verify or update your SIN on file
To print a T2202 tax form online:
- Login to MyAccount
- Select “Personal Information”
- Select ”View & Print T2202 Information”
- Select a year and “Printable T2202 Form” (select “View Data” for viewing purposes only)
- Click “Submit”
- Click “Continue”
- On the window toolbar select “file” and then “print”
Past years tax information will always be available to you, so you can print a form for every year you have attended in the past.
Note: The U-Pass BC fees are not included in the T2202. If you require a receipt, follow steps 1 and 2 above and then go to Registration > View and Pay Tuition Fees. Simply print the applicable term(s) that you were charged for the U-Pass BC and this is your receipt.