Local Industry Skills Training

The LIST Program is designed for students with disabilities or barriers to education and employment.

Program options

The LIST Program trains students for employment in three industry sectors:

Program at a glance

This is a full-time program. Students take on average two semesters to complete the program. Students are provided with individualized, hands-on training to acquire relevant industry skills.

Hands-on experience

Practicum placements are generally four weeks in length. Students are provided with on-site training and support. The students' shifts while on practicum will depend on the employers' schedules.

Want more information?

For information about admission requirements, courses, intake dates, and more visit the Program and Course Catalogue.
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Contact information

Jared Cloutier 
Program Instructor 
Tel: 604 777 6084
Email: jclouti4@douglascollege.ca

Kirenjeet Uppal
Program Instructor 
Tel: 604 527 5128
Email: kathwal2@douglascollege.ca

Davi Bachra
Program Instructor
Tel: 604 527 5126
Email: bachrad@douglascollege.ca