Douglas College Breast/Chestfeeding Education Day 2025

27th Annual Douglas College

Breast/Chestfeeding Education Day

Saturday, May 10th, 2025


Presenting online:

Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC, RLC

Sarah Coutts, RN, IBCLC


L-CERPs: 6.25

IBLCE CERPS Verification No.  C2024294

Time: 8:45 am to 5:00 pm (PST)

Fee:  $135.00 + $6.75 (GST) = $141.75

Registration is open:

Early Bird price of $120.00 + $6.00 = $126.00

Deadline:  Friday, April 11th, 2025 at 3:30 pm.

CRN: 21057

Registration options:

  • Link and other information will be sent by, Friday, May 9th, 2025 end of business day.
  • No refunds will be issued three business days prior to the conference.
  • Withdrawal deadline:  Tuesday, May 6th, 2025 by 4:00 pm
  • If you have suggestions for speakers or are interested in speaking, please email
Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC, RLC is a board certified lactation consultant, neonatal oral-motor assessment professional, and clinical herbalist in private practice. Melissa has been passionate about providing comprehensive, holistic lactation support and improving the level of clinical lactation skills for health professionals. She enjoys teaching, researching and writing about wellness and lactation-related topics. Melissa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in maternal child health and lactation consulting and her master’s work is in therapeutic, clinical herbalism. Melissa actively conducts research and collaborates with several lactation and health care professional associations.
Melissa Cole Picture

Sarah Coutts is a registered nurse and lactation consultant with over 15 years experience in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). She currently works as a Developmental Care Specialist in a NICU in Vancouver, Canada. Before this position Sarah was the Kangaroo Care Provincial Coordinator of an implementation science research study to improve uptake of Kangaroo Care in NICUs in British Columbia. She is interested in understanding the barriers and enablers to implementing skin-to-skin contact for term infants and Kangaroo Care for preterm infants from the perspectives of health care providers, families, and health care organizations. Sarah hopes to implement innovative strategies to improve uptake and increase knowledge and understanding of the vital importance of skin-to-skin contact and non-separation for all babies and their families.

Full-Day Program
TimeTopicIBCLC Detailed Content Category
8:30-8:45amZoom login 
8:45-9:00amWelcome and Introductions 
9:00-10:15amA Mindful Approach to Infant Tongue-Tie

III. Pathology

VII. Clinical Skills

10:30-11:45amLow Milk Production Detective Work: Assessment and Care Plan Considerations

I. Development and Nutrition

II. Physiology and Endocrinology 

III. Pathology VI. Techniques 

VII. Clinical Skills

12:45-2:00pmSkin to Skin Evidence

V. Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology

VI Techniques

VII. Clinical Skills

2:00-3:15pmCommon Infant Digestive Health Concerns and Useful Support Strategies

I. Development and Nutrition

III. Pathology

V. Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology 

VII. Clinical Skills

3:15-3:30 pmBreak 
3:30-4:45pmA Case Study Approach to Critical Thinking

III. Pathology

III. Pathology

VII. Clinical Skills

4:45-5:00pmClosing Remarks 

Registrants will have access to the recording until Saturday, August 31st, 2025.