
Practical Energy and Advanced Knowledge - Buildings (PEAK/Building) is a fully online, interactive and flexible collection of courses relevant to modern building issues. Registration into the program and courses is available continuously; see the Current Course Offerings page.  

The program is comprised of:

  • a prerequisite foundational knowledge course (online)
  • 5 core courses (online and evening classes)
    • Envelope, Systems, Economics, Comfort and Leadership
  • a capstone/practical work experience course

Time commitment for each course = 30 – 40 hours over a six-week period for each course.

The program is part-time. It will take less than 1 year to complete.

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions:

  • Admission to the program follows from an in-person or phone meeting with the prospective student. There are no prerequisites; we simply make an effort to make sure the program or course is a good fit with the student’s needs. Successful students have included those with technical, construction, or business backgrounds and personal interest.
  • The PEAK/Buildings certificate is for professional development/continuing education (not a university transfer credit).
  • Our professional network includes contacts in Natural Resources Canada, BC Hydro, BC Housing, BC Building Envelope Council, Fortis BC, lower mainland BC municipalities, and sustainable-minded businesses and organizations.
  • The student has to be legally in Canada. Because it is a part-time, continuing education program, it does not usually qualify for a student visa.

PEAK Program Information

PEAK information (recorded interview)