If the faculty member that you are trying to contact is not listed above or would like their most current phone number please search the Faculty Directory.
Bains, Aman BBA-Accounting Coordinator | MBA (Laurentian), CPA, CGA, ACCA Email: bainsa11@douglascollege.ca
Brookes, Ray Faculty Emeritus | B.Comm., CPA, CGA Email: brookesr@douglascollege.ca
Charaf, Nahla | BBA (Simon Fraser), CPA, CA, CIA, CRMA Email: ncharaf@douglascollege.ca |
Chenkov, Ivan | MPAC (University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria), CPA, CGA (BC), FCCA Email: chenkovi@douglascollege.ca
Comrie, Rod | CPA, CGA Email: comrier@douglascollege.ca
Eisenberg, Gunter | BA (Simon Fraser), MA (Athabasca), CPA, CGA, ACCA Email: eisenbergg@douglascollege.ca
Fellnermayr, Barbara | MBA, CPA/CGA, Leadership in Manufacturing Management Diploma Email: fellnermayrb@douglascollege.ca
Formosa, Kurtis | CPA, BComm (UBC) Email: formosak@douglascollege.ca |
Garabedian, Arsineh
| BComm (Concordia), PDipPA (McGill), MEd DE (Athabasca), PIDP (VCC), CPA, CA Email: garabediana@douglascollege.ca
Hicks, Elizabeth Faculty Emerita | MBA (City University), CPA, CGA (BC) Email: hicksl@douglascollege.ca
Johl, Connie | BA (Simon Fraser), CPA, CA Email: johlc@douglascollege.ca
Lin, Jack | BA (Chinese Cultural University, Taipei, Taiwan), MBA (Missouri), MSc in Business Admin (British Columbia), CPA, CGA (BC), PIDP, NAID Email: linja@douglascollege.ca
Lung, Giana
| MSc (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), CPA, CGA (BC) Email: lunga@douglascollege.ca
Mauger, Shirley | Diploma of Technology - Computing Systems, Bcomm (Hons), MBA, PIDP, CPA, CGA Email: maugers@douglascollege.ca
Midgley, Keenan | MPAcc (USask), CPA (BC), BBA in Accounting (Simon Fraser) Email: kmidgley@douglascollege.ca
Robertson, George | BA (Simon Fraser), CPA, CA, CMA Email: robertsong@douglascollege.ca
Sandhawalia, Robin | BComm (Royal Roads), MPAcc (USask), CPA, CA Email: sandhawaliar@douglascollege.ca
Singh, Taj | BComm (UBC), CPA, CA Email: singht16@douglascollege.ca
Stanger, Glen | MBA, CPA, CGA, CIM Email: stangerg@douglascollege.ca
Tan-Tompkins, Shirley | BSc in Finance, MBA, CPA, CMA, PIDP Email: tantompkinss@douglascollege.ca
Wong, Richard K. Accounting Department Chair | MET (UBC), BCom (UBC), CPA Email: wongr16@douglascollege.ca
Yang, Jessie (Xiaojia) | BBA, MEc, DAP (UBC), CPA, CGA Email: xyang11@douglascollege.ca
Yoon, Jennifer | BA (SFU), DAP (UBC), M Ed (University of Manitoba), CPA, CA (BC) Email: yoonj10@douglascollege.ca
Yu, Andy | BComm (UBC), CPA, CA, CF, MBA (Simon Fraser) Email: ayu9@douglascollege.ca |