
Weisser, Shelley (she/her)
Department Chair
BSc, MSc, PhD (University of British Columbia)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology
Research Interests: Immunology, Inflammatory Diseases, Cancer Biology, Medical Genetics
Phone: DL 604 777-6199
Email: weissers@douglascollege.ca

Barker, Jennifer
BSc, MSc (University of Toronto), PhD (University of British Columbia)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology
Research Interests: Comparative Neurobiology
Phone: DL 604 777-6029
Email: barkerj1@douglascollege.ca

Clasen, Jessica (she/her)
Institute of Urban Ecology Director
BSc (University of North Carolina at Wilmington), MSc (Arizona State), PhD (University of British Columbia)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Marine Biology, Ecology, Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology
Research Interests: Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Microbiology, Marine Biology, Oceanography
Phone: NW 604 527-5927
Email: clasenj@douglascollege.ca

Cruz-Aguado, Rey
BSc, MSc, PhD (University of Havana)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Cell Biochemistry, Comparative Zoology
Research Interests: Neurobiology
Phone: NW 604 527-5033
Email: cruzr@douglascollege.ca

Faurie, Alida
BSc (University of Johannesburg), MSc, PhD (University of Natal)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Comparative Zoology, Anatomy and Physiology, Botany
Research Interests: Zoology, Botany
Phone: NW 604 527-5225
Email: fauriea@douglascollege.ca

Gonzalez-Torres, Luis (he/him)
BSc., MSc., PhD (University of Havana)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology
Research Interests: Ecology and Conservation Biology
Phone: NW 604 527-5600
Email: gonzaleztorresl@douglascollege.ca

Guppy, Leon J.
BSc (University of British Columbia), MSc, PhD (University of London)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, General Pharmacology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Microbiology
Research Interests: Alcoholism, Drugs of Abuse, Cardiovascular Biology and Pharmacology, Ion Channel Pharmacology
Phone: NW 604 527-5236
Email: guppyl@douglascollege.ca

Harper, James Todd
BA, BSc, MSc (St. Francis Xavier), PhD (New Brunswick)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Plants & Society, Marine Biology, Evolution
Research Interests: Marine Biology, Molecular Evolution Systematics
Phone: NW 604 527-5609
Email: harpert@douglascollege.ca

Jamil, Sarwat
BSc, MSc (University of Karachi), PhD (University of London)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology
Research Interests: Study of signal transduction pathways that control Cell Death and Survival
Phone: DL 604 777-6244
Email: jamils@douglascollege.ca

Karunakaran, Karuna
BSc (University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka), MSc (University of Trondheim, Norway), PhD (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology
Research Interests: Molecular Microbiology, Cell-mediated immunity, Vaccinology
Phone: NW 604 527-5893
Email: karunakarank@douglascollege.ca

Lee, Weissy (she/her)
BSc, PhD (University of British Columbia)
Instructor Teaching: Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Microbiology
Research Interests: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Phone: NW 604 527-5501
Email: leew@douglascollege.ca

Matheson, Elinor (she/her)
BA, MSc, PhD (University of Guelph)
Instructor Teaching: Ecology, General Biology, Environmental Science, Anatomy and Physiology
Research Interests: Behavioural Ecology, Ecology, Environmental Science
Phone: NW 604 527-5608
Email: ehughes5@douglascollege.ca

Millis, Leonard A.
BSc, MSc (University of Alberta), PhD (McMaster University)
Instructor Teaching: Genetics, General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology
Research Interests: Genetics
Phone: NW 604 527-5227
Email: millisl@douglascollege.ca

Oh, Rosemary (she/her)
BSc, PhD (University of British Columbia)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology, Genetics
Research Interests: Genetics
Phone: NW 604 527-5915
Email: ohmcginnisr@douglascollege.ca

Salomon, Maxence
BSc (University of Geneva), MSc (Swiss Tropical Institute), PhD (Simon Fraser University)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology, Evolution
Research Interests: Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Behavioural Ecology, Pest Management
Phone: DL 604 777-6217
Email: salomonm@douglascollege.ca

Saona, Nora (on leave)
BSc (University of British Columbia), MSc (University of Calgary), PhD (York University)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology
Research Interests: Ecology, Plant Ecology
Phone: DL 604 777-6032
Email: saonan@douglascollege.ca

Sigola, Lynette (she/her)
BSc (Hons), MBChB (University of Zimbabwe), PhD (University of London)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology, Immunology
Research Interests: Innate Immunity, Macrophage Immunity, Neurohormonal Regulation of Inflammation
Phone: NW 604 527-5233
Email: sigolal@douglascollege.ca

Silvergieter, Mike (he/him)
BSc, MSc (Simon Fraser University)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology
Research Interests: Ecology, Behavioural Ecology
Phone: NW 604 527-5499
Email: silvergieterm@douglascollege.ca

Solteiro, Laura
BSc, MSc (Simon Fraser University)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology
Research Interests: Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Aging, Development
Phone: DL 604 777-6222
Email: solteirol@douglascollege.ca

Sutton, Liza
PhD (University College London, UK)
Instructor Teaching: Anatomy and Physiology
Research Interests: Neurodegenerative Diseases
Phone: DL 604 777-6236
Email: suttonl@douglascollege.ca

Viveiros, Ryan
BSc, MSc, PhD (University of British Columbia)
Instructor Teaching: General Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics, Microbiology
Research Interests: Developmental Biology, Pedagogy
Phone: DL 604 777-6121
Email: viveirosr@douglascollege.ca
Laboratory facilitators
Afshari, Dariush
B.Sc. (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Technician and Facilitator
Email: afsharid@douglascollege.ca

Allemeersch, Amanda (she/her)
BSc (University of the Fraser Valley)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: allemeerscha@douglascollege.ca

Brulotte, Samantha
BSc, MSc (University of British Columbia)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: palmers@douglascollege.ca

Cooke, Jillian (she/her) (on leave)
BSc (Thompson Rivers University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: cookej4@douglascollege.ca

Cuza, Alina
MSc (University of Havana)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: cuzapereza@douglascollege.ca

Davies, Michelle
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Supervisor
Email: daviesm@douglascollege.ca

Fraser, Iain
BSc, MSc (Hons), University of Canterbury
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: fraseri@douglascollege.ca

Fuller Altamirano, Edgar
BSc (Concordia University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: fulleraltamiranoe@douglascollege.ca

Godden, Paula
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: goddenp@douglascollege.ca

Higo, Naomi
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Institute of Urban Ecology Coordinator
Email: higon@douglascollege.ca

Hsiao, Emily
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: hsiaoe@douglascollege.ca

Jian, Monique
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: jianm@douglascollege.ca
Male Armida, Andre
B.Sc. (McGill University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: malearmidaa@douglascollege.ca

Martins, Alysha
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: martinsa1@douglascollege.ca
Picket, Calla
B.Sc. (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Facililtator
Email: pickettc1@douglascollege.ca

Poelzer, Bianca (on leave)
BSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Technician
Email: rizzob@douglascollege.ca

Solteiro, Laura
BSc, MSc (Simon Fraser University)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: solteirol@douglascollege.ca

Weir, Aron
B.Sc., M.Sc. (University of Guelph)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: weira2@douglascollege.ca
Wood, Claudia
B.Sc., M.Sc. (University of Guelph)
Laboratory Facilitator
Email: woodc15@douglascollege.ca