Linda Muir

Linda Muir, Alumnus of Health Sciences
Alumnus of
Health Sciences
Registered Psychiatric Nurse at Vancouver Island Health Authority

What Psychiatric Nursing Alum Linda Muir Received From Douglas College Was More Than a Degree 

Linda Muir came to Douglas College with a Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing and the goal to upgrade to a Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing. The College's impressive roster of teachers and excellent curriculum motivated Linda to take that next step in her education and career. 

The positivity and support she received at Douglas is something she relies heavily on when things become challenging in her career or personal life. Beyond her studies, her time at Douglas showed her how to persevere through difficult situations, which is something that she wants to share with others as she moves forward in her career. 

With the encouragement of one of her instructors at Douglas, Linda chose to pursue a Master’s in Psychiatric Nursing with a major in Advanced Nursing Education. Through her further studies and career, she hopes to have the opportunity to teach and better support new nurses. Apart from her education and career, Linda wants to continue being the best mother and friend she can be.