Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
AHTT 1201
Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II
Animal Health Technology
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
4 hours/week: 2 hours lecture / 2 hours lab
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

This course involves two hours of classroom instruction and two hours of laboratory activity per week.

Course description
This course includes further development of veterinary terminology skills. In addition, the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular, hematologic, lymphatic and immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, endocrine, reproductive, and sensory systems of both small (canine, feline), avian and large (bovine, equine, ovine, caprine, porcine) animals is covered. This course completes the detailed review of small and large animal anatomical and physiological systems.

Enrollment is limited to students of the Animal Health Technology Program
Course content

The major topics in the course include the following:

1. The cardiac system:

-  vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-  the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular system

-  names and positions of cardiac valves, and types of blood vessels

-  pulmonary, cardiac, systemic and fetal circulatory systems

-  the pathway of electrical conductivity through the heart and how an ECG is produced


2. The lymphatic system:

-  vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-  the major structures and functions of the lymphatic system

-  understand the relationship between the hematologic and lymphatic systems for immunocompetence


3. The respiratory system:

-   vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-  the major structures and functions of the respiratory system

-  comparative anatomy of the lungs of different species, including avian air sacs and pneumatic bones


4. The urinary system:

-  vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-  the structure, physiology, and function of kidneys

-  the components of the nephron and their contribution to urine formation

-  blood pressure regulation by the renal system


5. The endocrine system:

-  vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-  the structure and function of hormones secreted by endocrine glands and their target organs

-  the basic functions of hormones produced by the endocrine glands

-  normal glucose metabolism and regulation


6.  The reproductive system:

-  vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-  the major structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems

-  the relationship between the endocrine and reproductive systems, and how endocrine hormones affect  

   production of reproductive hormones and cells

-  the estrous cycle of various species and factors influencing its stages

-  the type of uteri and types of placentation in various species

-  clinical signs of impending parturition


7.  The sensory system:

-   vocabulary, root words, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations and pronunciation of terms

-   the structure and function of the eye and its components, as well as visual physiology

-   the structure and function of the ear and its components, as well as auditory physiology

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1.  Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular, hematologic, lymphatic and immune systems.

2.  Understand the pathway of electrical conductivity through the heart.

3.  Understand the fetal circulatory system and the changes occurring at birth.

3.  Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system including the transport of gases in the blood.

4.  Describe the structure and function of the urinary system and explain the process by which the kidney produces urine.

5.  Describe the structure and function of the endocrine system and understand the feedback mechanism that controls release of endocrine hormones.

6.  Describe the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems.

7.  Understand the estrous cycle and factors influencing its stages.

8.  Recognize the type of uteri and understand types of placentation in various species.

9.  Identify the major structures and functions of the eye and ear. 

10. Understand the mechanism of sight.

11. Understand the mechanism of hearing.

12. Recognize the steps necessary to perform a necropsy, including correct specimen collection techniques.

Means of assessment

Means of Assessment:

Quiz # 1                                                                                                  15%

Quiz # 2                                                                                                  15

Quiz # 3                                                                                                  15              

Laboratory Assignments & Projects                                                              15

Professionalism (Preparation, Participation & Attendance)                              10

Final Examination                                                                                     30


Grades:      A+ 95-100,      A 90-94,      A- 85-89,      B+ 80-84,      B 75-79,      B- 70-74,


                   C+ 65-69,         C 60-64,      C- 55-59,      P 50-54,        F 0-49.

Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:

  1. Colville, T.P. & Bassert, J.M., 2008, Clinical Anatomy & Physiology for Veterinary Technicians. Mosby. 2nd ed. (required)
  2. Colville, T.P. & Bassert, J.M., 2009, Clinical Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual for Veterinary Technicians. Mosby. 1st ed. (required)
  3. Romich, J.A., 2009, An Illustrated Guide to Veterinary Medical Terminology. Thomson Delmar Learning, 3rd ed. (required)