Course code
BHIN 1340
Behavioural Intervention Lab
Behaviour Intervention
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Semester length
2-15 weeks
Max class size
60 (Ratio Section 1:14)
Contact hours
90 hours
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Critical feedback based on videos of practice
- Online discussion forums
- Lab Observation
- Demonstration
- Role play
- Critical Feedback
- Work site observation
- Readings descriptions
- Competency-based training
Course description
This course provides students opportunities to deepen their knowledge of and ability to apply the principles and procedures of Applied Behaviour Analysis utilized with children with autism. Students practice a variety of key Behavioural Intervention skills (e.g., instructional strategies, behaviour management, and data collection) through guided observation of fluent practitioners and criterion-based skill rehearsals with fellow students. An emphasis is placed on promoting reflective Behavioural Intervention practitioners.
Course content
The following global ideas guide the design and delivery of this course:
- Behavioural strategies will be grounded in evidence-based practice. This means that the strategies need to be informed by:
- Demonstrating the process of specific data collection procedures:
- Direct observation methods
- Outcome recording
- Event recording
- Interval recording
- Time sampling
- Demonstrating the key skills and components of the following intervention procedures:
- Reinforcement assessments
- Discrete trial training
- Mand training
- Natural environment training
- Behavior chain teaching
- Shaping behaviour
- Incidental teaching
- Imitation training and generalization
- Describing the process of implementing a behavior intervention plan:
- Behavioural definitions
- Differential reinforcement
- Problem behaviour focus
- Observation and participating with expert practitioners is crucial for increasing fluency and effectiveness.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the core features of Behavioural Intervention for young children with autism
2. Identify and provide examples of the core features
3. Assess and apply specific learning concepts taken from selected readings
4. Define various intervention procedures
5. Describe specific data collection procedures
Means of assessment
- Online Quizzes
- Reflection assignment
- Criteria- based role play performance
- Participation and engagement
This is a Mastery course.
Textbook materials