Marine Biology

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
BIOL 2300
Marine Biology
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture: 2 hours/week Tutorial: 2 hours/week Laboratory: 3 hours/week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

This course involves four hours of lecture and tutorial/week and three hours of laboratory work.  The information content is integrated with laboratory experiments and textbook and scientific journal readings.

Course description
This course examines the history of marine biology, the physical and chemical characteristics of the marine environment, the diversity of marine life, marine ecology, and the effects of humans on the marine environment.
Course content
  1. Introduction to marine biology
    • history of marine biology
    • ocean geography
    • divisions of the marine environment
    • modes of existence in the marine environment
    • marine resources
  2. Physical and chemical characteristics of the marine environment
    1. Water properties:
      • salinity
      • temperature
      • light
      • density
      • pressure
      • transparency
      • dissolved gases
    2. Water movement:
      1. horizontal movement:
        • wind patterns
        • surface current
        • waves
        • tides
      2. vertical movement:
        • langmuir cells
        • upwelling
  3. The diversity of marine life - classification, distribution and characteristics of:
    • Kingdom Monera
      • Division Cyanobacteria
      • Division Eubacteria
    • Kingdom Protista
      • Phylum Pyrrophyta
      • Phylum Chrysophyta
      • Phylum Sarcodina
    • Kingdom Fungi
    • Kingdom Plantae
      • Division Chlorophyta
      • Division Phaeophyta
      • Division Rhodophyta
      • Division Anthophyta
    • Kingdom Animalia
      • Phylum Porifera
      • Phylum Ctenophora
      • Phylum Cnidaria
      • Phylum Platyhelminthes
      • Phylum Nemertea
      • Phylum Mollusca
      • Phylum Annelida
      • Phylum Arthropoda
      • Phylum Echinodermata
      • Phylum Hemichordata
      • Phylum Chordata
  4. Marine ecology
    1. Ecological principles
      • population growth and regulation
      • community organization
      • productivity
      • energy flow
      • biogeochemical cycles
      • symbiotic relationships
      • biological zonation
    2. Marine ecosystems
      1. Open ocean (pelagic zones, benthic zone)
        1. abiotic characteristics:
          • water movement
          • ocean sediments
        2. biotic characteristics:
          • spatial distribution of organisms
          • trophic structure and energy flow
          • adaptations of organisms to the pelagic and benthic environment
      2. Intertidal (rocky shores, sandy shores, mud flats)
        1. abiotic characteristics:
          • waves
          • tides
          • sediments
        2. biotic characteristics:
          • spatial distribution
          • causes of intertidal zonation
          • energy flow
          • adaptations to the environment
      3. Estuaries and salt marshes
        1. abiotic characteristics:
          • tides
          • water mixing
          • sediments
        2. biotic characteristics:
          • spatial distribution of flora and fauna
          • plankton – based food webs
          • detritus – based food webs
          • adaptations of organisms
      4. Coral Reefs
        1. abiotic characteristics:
          • light
          • temperature
          • dissolved organic matter
        2. biotic characteristics:
          • reef-building organisms
          • trophic structure and energy flow
          • species interactions
  5. Effects of humans on the marine environment
    1. Marine resources
      • fish
      • mariculture
      • chemical compounds
      • oil and gas
      • mining
      • fresh water source
      • energy
    2. Marine pollution
      • oil
      • halogenated hydrocarbons
      • metals
      • radioactive waster
      • thermal pollution
      • solid waster
    3. Protection and enhancement
      • research
      • legislation
      • habitat restoration
Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Describe the history of marine biology as a field of study
  2. Describe the basic divisions of the marine environment
  3. Describe the properties of sea water
  4. Explain the causes of water movement
  5. Describe the taxonomy and characteristics of marine plants and animals
  6. Explain ecological concepts and principles
  7. Describe the physical and biological characteristics of the open ocean; the intertidal, estuaries salt marshes and coral reefs
  8. Describe the use and over exploitation of marine resources by humans
  9. Describe sources of marine pollution and their effects on the environment
  10. Describe national and international efforts to combat pollution and to enhance the marine environment
  11. Demonstrate an ability to conduct field research

Means of assessment
Class tests and assignments  10-20%
Lab/field trip reports  10-20%
Term project 10-20%
Midterm examination 15-25%
Final examination 25-30%
Textbook materials

Karleskint, G. Introduction to Marine Biology. Harcourt Brace. Current Edition.


BIOL 1110 and BIOL 1210 with a C- or better, or C- or better in BIOL 1310 or permission of instructor