Course code
BUSN 4460
Leadership: Theory and Practice
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 Weeks X 4 Hours per Week = 60 Hours
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture: 1 Hours
Seminar: 3 Hours
Total: 4 Hours
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Lectures
- Class discussions
- Videos
- Presentations and interactive exercises.
This course is a fourth year seminar class, with a high degree of preparation required by both students and instructor. Student presentations and interactive discussions will form an integral part of the learning experience.
Course description
This seminar based course will provide students with an introduction to the theory and practice of leadership through an examination of significant literary, historical, management, psychological and philosophical sources for insights into the nature and character of leadership. The course lectures, readings and discussions will focus on a several questions, beginning with the most fundamental: “What is Leadership?” and “What is good Leadership?” The relationship and roles of leaders and followers, the moral responsibility of leaders, the consequences of ineffective or bad leadership will be examined and discussed. One of the major tasks of the course will be to give students insights into the practice of leadership, by considering leadership as a “service to society” through the public, private and nonprofit organizations in which they choose to make their contributions.
Course content
- History and origins of leadership theory
- Trait and behavioural theories of leadership
- Contingency theories
- Transactional and Transformational Leadership theories
- Cultural, anthropological, military and political leadership
- Modern leadership theories; charismatic, democratic, adaptive leadership theories
- Ethical Leadership; servant leadership
- Practicing Leadership in a multicultural society
- Leadership theory and practice in the 21st century
Learning outcomes
The student will be able to:
- Identify, distinguish, and evaluate the various theories of leadership.
- Distinguish the roles and functions of leaders and followers.
- Develop an ethically informed assessment of leadership theory and practice.
- Apply critical thinking skills in the study and exercise of leadership.
- Make a convincing analysis and assessment of responsibility in leadership contexts.
- Understand and recognize, on a personal level, the practical skills that effective leadership requires.
Means of assessment
Term Examination | 20% |
Individual Research Paper | 25% |
Oral Presentation | 5% |
Group Reports (1-3) | 15% |
Final Examination | 25% |
Participation | 10% |
100% |
Textbook materials
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students, one or more of the following:
- Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience. (2002), (4th ed.), by R.L. Hughes, R.C. Ginnett, & C.J. Curphy. (McGraw Hill).
- Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications (2002), Arthur Shriberg, David Shriberg, & Carol Lloyd. (John Wiley & Sons).
- Leadership. (1978). John MacGregor Burns. (Harper & Row).
- Transforming Leadership. (2003). John MacGregor Burns. (Atlantic Monthly).
- The Servant as Leader. (1970), Robert Greenleaf. Robert K. Greenleaf Center.
- Leadership: Theory, Application, Skill Development. Robert Lussier, Christopher Achua. Latest edition. (Thomson).
Or such other texts chosen by the instructor from time to time.
A minimum of 90 credits
(ENGL 1130 with a minimum grade of B-)