Course code
CAEP 0300
Employment Readiness
Career and Employment Preparation
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Max class size
12 – 16 depending on disabling conditions
Contact hours
32 hours/semester
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Instructor presentation.
- Class discussions.
- Guest employers.
- Self-awareness exercises.
- Role playing problem solving situations.
- Written assignments.
Course description
This course is designed to prepare students with a disability for employment. It provides practical information to increase awareness and practices behaviours which will contribute to job success, including appropriate social and communication skills for the worksite. As well, students will examine realistic expectations of obtaining specific employment in today’s job market.
Course content
- Developing a personal work plan—goal setting.
- Self-assessment using student personal profile inventory.
- Employer expectations.
- Time management – work habits and behaviours.
- Mature workplace communications skills.
- Problem solving workplace issues.
Learning outcomes
- To develop time management and set personal goals.
- To practice self-awareness in terms of their abilities, knowledge, skills and values.
- To demonstrate mature workplace communication skills.
- To develop an awareness of expectations of employees.
- To simulate and establish coping strategies and problem-solving skills in regards to social skills and workplace circumstances.
Means of assessment
Students will be expected to maintain regular attendance and progress, actively participate in all classroom activities, and complete assignments as directed.
Progress will be monitored on a regular basis by the instructor in consultation with each student and evaluation of that progress will depend on student goals, level of disability and expectation of material mastery.
Textbook materials
Topic relevant material will be provided in handout form throughout the course.
Instructor permission