Course code
CAEP 0320
Job Search Skills
Career and Employment Preparation
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Max class size
12 – 16 depending on disabling conditions
Contact hours
32 hours/semester
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Small group and one-to-one instruction on job search communications including: application forms, covering letters, resumes, telephone contacts, etc.
- Instructor assisted preparation using videos for interview preparation.
- Small group discussion and guest speakers on employer response to a disability.
- Visits to community agencies, career resource centres and other employment search.
Course description
The course is designed to provide adults with a disability the skills necessary to find appropriate work placements, paid employment or volunteer positions in a field that matches their career goals.
Course content
- Writing cover letters, resumes.
- Reading newspaper “ads” for content.
- Practice in telephone for information and interviews.
- Organizing a systematic, logical job search.
- Practicing job interview skills to build self-confidence.
- Methods of accessing market information, business directories, job posting, community and support placement services.
- When and how to disclose a disability.
Learning outcomes
To learn individualized job search techniques in order to properly market skills and experience including:
- developing appropriate job-targeted cover letters
- updating existing resumes and creating new ones where necessary
- developing network skills
- finding the “hidden jobs”
- understanding job ads
- using community and support placement services
- use of telephone and “cold calls”
- eveloping volunteering to create work opportunities
- handling issues of disability
Means of assessment
Student and instructor will evaluate a completed personal employment portfolio. Instructor observation of student-demonstrated job search will occur and oral and written feedback will be provided to students.
Textbook materials
Topic relevant material will be provided in handout form, throughout the course.
Instructor permission