
Person-Centred Thinking and Accountability

Important Notice

This course is not active. Please contact Department Chair for more information.

Applied Community Studies
Classroom & Community Support
Course code
CCSD 2335
Semester length
Flexible delivery ranging over 2 to 15 weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered


Course description
In this course, students will focus on the issues and considerations in life planning for individuals. The course examines how to identify and obtain information crucial in the process of person-centred planning. Emphasis is placed on understanding planning as a dynamic process involving building relationships.
Course content

The following global ideas guide the design and delivery of this course:

  • The premise of PCP is rooted in the principles of rights, independence, choice and inclusion.
  • As with any planning tool, there are strengths, weaknesses/obstacles, and barriers associated with its implementation and use.
  • Understand that PCP involves a team/community approach and individuals may assume various roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop an understanding of the skills and attributes necessary in PCP.
  • Developing a self-awareness of the impact they have in planning and working with a person’s network including the power and relationship dynamic involved in PCP.
  • Clarify roles and responsibility in relation to organization mandate and priorities.
  • Planning as it relates to key transitional life milestones.
  • Accountability as a concept that impacts on several levels including macro, mezzo and micro.
Learning activities
  • Lecture
  • Small and large Group Work
  • Self directed and collaborative online learning
  • Case Studies
  • Problem-based learning
  • Guest Speakers
  • Audio-Visual Presentations
Means of assessment

This is a letter graded course

  • Case Study
  • Research paper
  • Group Presentations
  • Self and Peer Assessment
  • Quizzes


Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:


1. Compare and contrast the historical development of person-centred approaches, person-centred services, and person centred planning.

  • Describe the terminology and principles associated with person-centredness and person-centred thinking
  • Examine the relationship between quality of life and person centred thinking and planning processes
  • Analyze quality of life assessments and measurements as applied to whole-life planning. 
  • Compare and contrast philosophical perspectives that guide the selection of planning tools and processes (e.g. behaviouralist and constructivist perspectives).

2. Review formal processes required of agencies and services to ensure intentional planning and safeguards are put in place for vulnerable populations.

  • Examine individual and systemic priorities and the implications for person centred planning, action and implementation.
  • Explore the relationship between vulnerability and risk taking through Discovery based goal planning process.
  • Describe and explain person-centred accountability measures for children, youth, adults and older adults utilizing appropriate planning approaches.
  • Consider goal writing as a way to address accountability measures associated with planning approaches.

       3. Describe and evaluate a range of person-centred methods and approaches

  • Examine how the selection of person-centred methods and approaches is determined and implemented  (i.e. Essential Lifestyle Planning, Personal Futures Planning, MAPS & PATH)
  • Identify and reflect on formal and informal approaches used for identifying an individual’s interests, preferences and needs (i.e. person profiling, vocational profiling)
  • Design and evaluate person-centred plans that demonstrate processes for planning, action and implementation.

       4. Describe how teams and groups work to facilitate Person Centred Planning

  • Explore and use the skills and abilities essential for effective process and graphic facilitation
  • Examine communication issues and strategies that affect individual participation and engagement throughout the planning process.
  • Describe intentional teaming and planning strategies used with older adults and for end-of-life planning.
  • Reflect on person-centred group processes that facilitate greater citizenship and community inclusion


Textbook materials




No prerequisite courses.


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for CCSD 2335
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) UFV CYC 1XX (1.5)

Course Offerings

There are no course offerings this semester.