Course code
CFCS 1130
Change and Development Lifespan
Child, Family & Community Studies
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Semester length
Flexible delivery ranging over 2 to 15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
60 hours/semester
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Lecture
- Student Presentations
- Group Work
- Audio Visual Presentations
- Other
Course description
This course explores the human passage from conception to death. Drawing on theory and personal experience, the student will investigate and reflect on human development, change and diversity in relation to self and others. Students will apply this knowledge to practice.
Course content
The content of this course may be conceptualized along three dimensions: chronological, holistic perspective, and thematic. These three dimensions will be integrated in this course.
- Human development, change and adaptation occur throughout the lifespan.
- The study of change and development engages the student and instructor in the study of their own lives as well as the lives of others.
- The study of the lives of individuals occurs in the context of family, community, culture, economics, etc. – the ecological or systems perspective.
- Development may be conceptualized as occurring in several domains – physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. A holistic perspective is created by drawing together perceptions about the various perspectives into an appreciation of the total human being.
- Many themes may be examined in human development and change which are relevant to the work of the various professions in the Faculty of Child, Family and Community Studies.
- Diversity occurs within individuals as well as between individuals, families, communities and cultures.
- There are many ways of knowing and learning. The discovery of our own “ways” and respect for the “ways” of others creates a deeper understanding of diversity and change.
- Identity evolves and changes throughout our lives.
- The occupations of our lives – play, work, leisure, education, recreation – are life long pursuits.
- The theme of gender and socialization is central to an understanding of our own lives and the lives of others.
- Sexuality is part of human life from conception to death. Discovering and rediscovering the meaning of sexuality in our own lives enhances our ability to support others in their struggles and discoveries.
- The related themes of attachment and loss touch the lives of everyone throughout the lifespan. Observing and understanding these themes in our own lives and the lives of others leads to personal meaning for ourselves and support for others.
- The development of intimacy in relationships and social networks begins at birth and continues throughout life.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify the major milestones in the development of the individual
- Identify the milestones in biosocial development from conception to death
- Identify the milestones in cognitive development from birth to death
- Identify major psychosocial milestones
- Identify the basic concepts of the major theories of human development
- Discuss concepts related to social learning theory
- Discuss concepts related to cognitive theory
- Discuss concepts related to psychoanalytic learning
- Discuss concepts related to ecological theory
- Discuss concepts related to epigenetic theory
- Describe the main developmental ideas of specific theorists, such as:
- Vygotsky
- Piaget
- Erikson
- Ainsworth
- Baumrind
- Bronfenbrenner
- Gilligan
- Gardner
- Apply lifespan development theory as to self and others
- Identifies developmental issues and concepts as they apply to self
- Examines nature/nurture from a theoretical and applied perspective
- Examines attachment theory as it applies to the people with whom we work
- Applies Erikson’s eight stages of development to themselves and others
- Identifies the impact of developmental struggles on the sense of identity
- Identifies the impact of gender on the development of self and others
- Discusses the concept of occupational identity
- Applies the concept of occupational identity to own sense of identity
- Discusses the broad range of human growth and development, emphasizing diversity rather than difference.
Means of assessment
This course will conform to Douglas College policy regarding the number and weighting of evaluations.
- A developmental approach to evaluation that is sequenced and progressive.
- Evaluation being used as a teaching and learning tool for both students and instructors.
- Commitment to student participation in evaluation through processes such as self and peer evaluation, participation in instrument design and program/instructor evaluation.
Textbook materials
Which prerequisite
CCSD 1240, CFCS 2333