International Service Learning Experience

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
CFCS 3040
International Service Learning Experience
Child, Family & Community Studies
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
Flexible delivery 10-15 week
Max class size
Course designation
Certificate in Global Competency
Industry designation
Contact hours

Seminar: 50 hours

Supervised Service Learning: 200 hours

Method(s) of instruction
Field Experience
Learning activities
  • Field experience
  • Supervision
  • Seminar discussion
  • Facilitation 
Course description
This course is designed for students who are engaging in an international service learning experience in a developing country. Facilitated seminars address: (1) 5 key themes (motivation, cultural competence, balance and reciprocity, sustainability, and witnessing and observing); (2) the social, cultural, political and economic contexts of the developing country; (3) the development of a student learning plan in collaboration with a local community agency; and (4) the risks and realities of sustained work in a developing country. Students are then placed in a developing country and will work on a community development project alongside a local community partner. Within this context, students will work collaboratively with members of their host organization, develop their understanding of local challenges, and enhance their understanding of small-scale ethical projects. Students will complete pre-placement assignments, in-placement assignments, and participate in a post-placement debrief.
Course content

The following global ideas guide the design and delivery of this course:

  • Themes - explore themes representing the theoretical, ethical and practical questions that arise in international service learning processes, including sustainability, cultural competence, balance and reciprocity, motivation, and witnessing and observing 
  • Case studies - consider, reflect, and dialogue on real life scenarios from diverse non-Western or developing countries
  • Individualized Learning Plans – collaboratively develop a learning plan for an international service learning experience in a developing country that reflects student learning outcomes and service needs of local community agency
  • Implement, Reflect Upon, and Develop Recommendations – individualized learning plans  advance and enhance student learning and provide value-added to local community agency  
  • Preparation, Planning, and Debrief – engage in physical, emotional and intellectual preparation to recognize, anticipate, and deal with the risks and realities of an international service learning experience
Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, political, economic and social contexts of the international service learning country
  2. Articulate and apply the values and practices of cultural competence, sustainability, balance and reciprocity, and witnessing and observing 
  3. Develop an international service learning plan that is consistent with ethical, culturally competent, and sustainable practices 
  4. Deconstruct personal values, beliefs, and motivations as they apply to the international service learning experience
  5. Participate in and reflect upon an international service learning experience in a developing country
  6. Provide recommendations, program materials, and / or other resources to the international community service learning site. 
Means of assessment

This course will conform to Douglas College policy regarding the number and weighting of evaluations. Typical means of evaluation would include a combination of:

  • Written research assignment
  • Book report
  • In-class presentation 
  • Development and completion of a learning plan
  • Self evaluation
  • Field assessment

This is a mastery / non-mastery course 

Textbook materials

Coursepack and other readings as determined by faculty.


Permission of the faculty.