Applied Nutrition & Pharmacology
- General nutrition
- Canada’s Food Guide
- Energy needs
- Classification of nutrients
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water
- Role of Nutrition in Dental Health and Disease
- Cariogenic foods
- Consistency of foods
- Oral manifestations
- Nutrition misinformation
- Dietary Evaluation Plans
- Dietary histories
- Nutritional Balance
- Sucrose intake
- Dietary changes
- Pharmacology
- Terminology
- Prescription writing
- Storage
- Administration
- Adverse reactions
- Action of Dental Pharmaceuticals
- Anaesthetics
- Fluoride
- Antibiotics / antifungal
- AnalgesicsNarcotics
- Oral Manifestations of Diseases/Medications
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- Anticonvulsants
- Adrenocorticoids
- Oral contraceptives
- Antiasthmatics
- Lecture
- Group discussion
- Case studies
- Guest Lecturers
- Audio-visual materials
Course evaluation is based on course objectives, and is consistent with Douglas College Evaluation Policies. An evaluation schedule is presented to the students at the beginning of the course.
A minimum mark of 65% is required to be successful in the course.
Outlines of evaluation may be subject to change.
The learning outcomes are based on the Curriculum Guide 2001 Education of Certified Dental Assistants in British Columbia developed for the Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology and the Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology, February 2001.
Upon successful completion of CHDA 1215 the student will be able to:
- apply basic nutrition concepts.
- recognize the role of nutrition in health and disease.
- propose dietary evaluation for dental patients.
- use pharmacology terminology.
- discuss general considerations for storage, administration, and precautions with drugs in the dental office.
- describe the action of drugs used in the dental office.
A list of required and optional textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of each semester.