
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic.NET

Important Notice

This course is not active. Please contact Department Chair for more information.

Science & Technology
Computing Science
Course code
CMPT 1101
Semester length
Max class size
35 (except when number of computers in a lab room is insufficient)
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This course introduces students to a programming environment and language. It includes program design and fundamental building blocks for programming in Visual Basic.NET. Topics cover forms, controls, properties management, events and event handlers, data types including arrays, control structures, functions and procedures, classes and objects.

Note: CISY 1165 and CMPT 1101 will be treated as equivalent.
Course content

1. Programming in general

1.1.     Program development cycle

1.2.     Programming tools – flowcharts, pseudocode

2. Programming in Visual Basic

2.1.     Forms, controls, properties, events

2.2.     Numbers, variables, constants

2.3.     Strings

2.4.     Input and output using text boxes

2.5.     Built-in functions – numeric functions, strings functions

3. Procedures

3.1.     Sub procedures

3.2.     Function procedures

3.3.     Scope of variables

3.4.     Value and reference parameters

4. Decisions

4.1.     Relational and logical operators

4.2.     IF-THEN blocks

4.3.     SELECT CASE blocks

5. Repetitions

5.1.     DO-WHILE and DO-UNTIL loops

5.2.     FOR-NEXT loops

6. One-dimensional arrays

6.1.     Creating and accessing arrays

6.2.     Passing arrays between procedures

7. Classes and objects

7.1.     Properties and methods

7.2.     Constructors and destructors


Optional Topics

  1. Files
  2. Graphics
  3. Printing
Learning activities

The topics will be covered through in-class lectures, seminar sessions, laboratory assignments, reading, and research.

Means of assessment

Assignments (minimum 2)                                 20% - 30%

Quizzes                                                           10% - 30%
Midterm examination                                        20% - 30%

Final examination                                             25% - 40%

Class participation                                                0% - 5%

Learning outcomes

Students should be able to

  • Explain the process of program design and development
  • Design a GUI by using objects (forms and controls) and managing properties of controls
  • Design a program to solve a well-defined problem
  • Implement a program from a design using structured programming


To implement a program a student should be able to

  • Explain what a form is, how to create it, and be able to manipulate the properties of a form
  • Explain what menus are and how to add them to a form
  • Explain what objects are, and be able to add controls to a form
  • Use the properties of a control and explain the events that can occur with a control
  • Explain the differences among the various data types
  • Explain the differences between variables and constants, and be able to use them in programs
  • Select appropriate scope for a variable, explain the differences between variables that are global to a project and those visible only to a form
  • Perform number and string manipulations including the use of built-in procedures
  • Explain how to accept input through input boxes
  • Format values for output using formatting functions and output boxes
  • Explain the purpose of procedures and be able to write reusable code in Sub procedures and Function procedures
  • Explain the role of parameters and be able to differentiate between value and reference parameters
  • Evaluate conditions using the relational operators and combine conditions using logical operators
  • Explain and code selection logic using IF-THEN and SELECT CASE statements
  • Explain and code looping routines DO-WHILE, DO-UNTIL, and FOR-NEXT
  • Explain what arrays are and use one-dimensional arrays to hold data
  • Pass arrays between procedures
  • Use object-oriented terminology correctly
  • Explain the difference between a class and an object
  • Create a class that has properties and methods
  • Use property procedures to set and retrieve properties of a class
  • Explain the difference between shared members and instance members
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:

  • Schneider, D.I., An Introduction to programming Using Visual Basic.NET, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall
  • Shelly, Cashman, Quasney, Visual Basic.NET Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, Latest Edition, Thomson Course Technologies
  • OR
    Bradley, J. C., Millspaugh, A. C., Programming in Visual Basic.NET, McGraw Hill

  • Portfolio for programming assignments
  • Five 3 ½ “ high density diskettes



MATH 1101 with a minimum grade of “C-” or Principles of Math 11 with a minimum grade of “C” or approved equivalent.


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for CMPT 1101
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Summer 2025