
Backend Web Development

Commerce & Business Administration
Computing Studies & Information Systems
Course code
CSIS 3280
Semester length
15 Weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Course designation
Industry designation
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This course will introduce students to server-side scripting using popular scripting language such as PHP. Emphasis will be placed on training students in applying scripting techniques to build and administer database driven dynamic web content solutions in a web hosting environment.
Course content
  1. Introduction to web application architectures and server technologies
  2. Introduction to basic PHP scripting language (data type, variables, syntax & development environments)
  3. Working with forms, patterns, files, and associative arrays
  4. Text processing and regular expression
  5. Manipulating files and directories
  6. Web services and other server technologies
  7. Object-orientation in scripting languages
  8. Database Object Relational Mapping (ORM) including an introduction to SQL and authentication
  9. Implementing secure transactions with MySQL or MSSQL server
  10. Input validation, sanitization, and filtering for web forms
  11. Utilizing Web Frameworks (ex. Laravel) using PHP
Learning activities
  • Lecture
  • Seminar
  • Demonstration
  • Hands-on exercises
Means of assessment

Assessment will be in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy.


10% - 25%


10% - 20%

Midterm Examination

25% - 35%

Final Examination*

30% - 40%



* Minimum 75% of the final exam must be in practical hands-on computer programming format.

To pass the course, students must, in addition to receiving an overall course grade of 50%, also achieve a grade of at least 50% on the combined weighted examination components (including quizzes, tests, exams).

Students may conduct research as part of their coursework in this class. Instructors for the course are responsible for ensuring that student research projects comply with college policies on ethical conduct for research involving humans, which can require obtaining Informed Consent from participants and getting the approval of the Douglas College Research Ethics Board prior to conducting the research.


Learning outcomes

At the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:

  1. Explain the concept of web application architecture and its relation to different server technologies.
  2. Understand and implement the concept of server-side programming.
  3. Build database driven dynamic web content using server-based DBMS technology.
  4. Implement web form data validation, sanitization, and filtering.
  5. Apply the concept of session and authentication.
  6. Implement object-oriented server-side scripting web application.
  7. Apply advanced concepts in server-side programming such as web services, routing, and framework.
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students

Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional. Frank Kromann. Apress. Latest Edition. or other textbook/s approved by the department or instructor provided materials