
Applied Research Project

Important Notice

This course is not active. Please contact Department Chair for more information.

Commerce & Business Administration
Computing Studies & Information Systems
Course code
CSIS 3495
Semester length
15 Weeks X 4 Hours per Week = 60 Hours
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Field Experience
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This course enables students in the Computing Science And Information Systems Program to acquire practical experience in defining, designing, developing and implementing a special computer systems project. Each student, in consultation with a faculty advisor, will select an appropriate computer project. Project topics may vary from in-depth research to systems analysis and design development proposals. The student will learn more about technical documentation. Project management fundamentals will also be covered.
(*) It is recommended that a student should have obtained 45 credits towards a CSIS diploma before attempting this course.
Note: Students who have received credit for CISY 3495 will not receive further credit by taking CSIS 3495.
Course content
  1. Content Common to all Projects: The content details will depend upon the particular subject of each project. However, there will be several common topics. Lectures and discussions will be held to deal with:
    • the proposal of a project
    • the format of a contract
    • the techniques of gathering data/information
    • organizing and running meetings
    • information sources, such as libraries and resource centres
    • the preparation of a report
    • the management of weekly status report of a project
  2. Criteria for Selections of Project Topics:
    • A project's subject must be related to computer systems and be viewed by faculty as providing valuable information
    • A project's scope must be such that its objectives can be attained in one semester.
    • The client preferably should be an organization outside the educational institution; should be an entity not related to the student (such as a relative)
    • Since confidential information must be protected for some companies, preference will be given to projects for which the results may be published and made available to the public
    • The contents and results of a project must be original, as plagiarism is unacceptable and viewed as a serious offence
    • Although projects are essentially for individuals, partnership agreements may be made with the approval of the faculty supervisor
  3. Typical projects have included (but are not strictly limited to) research, analysis, design or development in one of the following areas:
    • Database applications
    • Web applications related to database
    • Visual/object-oriented programming-related applications
    • Data communications systems (such as LAN, WAN)
    • Multimedia/graphical designs
    • Feasibility studies/analyses
    • Accounting applications
    • Hardware/software evaluations
    • Management contact systems
  4. Project Management Life Cycle:
    • Project management deliverables
    • Project milestones
    • Risk management
  5. Problem solving skills
  6. Creating Data Dictionary
  7. Project Management software
Learning activities

Practicum, lecture, seminar and tutorial may be used in this course.  Most of the instruction will be on a one-to-one basis between student and faculty advisor to guide the student through a self-managed work plan.  In the case of work-experience projects, much of the learning process will take place on site with employers and co-workers guiding the student's experience.  Weekly communication with faculty advisor will be compulsory.

Means of assessment

Even though the topics and subjects of student's submissions will vary, there are activities fundamental and common to all that can be evaluated in reviewing weekly, interim and final reports as follows:

      review of contract and the written project
      review of student's progress reports (including a time line)
     oral presentations

Final Written Report:    
     1) review of student's ability to do technical documentation
     2) evaluation of student's ability to convey his/her results in a clear,
         concise, logical manner
     3) evaluation of student's achievement of goals



   Total  100%
Learning outcomes

The student should be able to:

  1. prepare a project proposal
  2. formulate and negotiate an agreement to set up the terms and conditions of the project
  3. identify a set of objectives/tasks that can be accomplished within the time allotment
  4. apply the life-cycle of systems analysis and design to a computer system project
  5. gather pertinent information and data through interviews, questionnaires, surveys and observations of a computer information system’s activities
  6. organize a project meeting, prepare an agenda, and issue timely minutes
  7. use problem solving skills to tackle problems encountered during the project period
  8. present orally and provide written memos/reports to clients and faculty supervisor in a formal environment
  9. prepare technical documentation (such as data dictionary, a user manual) and a final project report on the work performed
  10. use project management software to manage the project
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students

Because of the possible variety of project topics, no general reference material can be prescribed.  Specific material will be indicated to each student by the faculty advisor as required.



(CSIS 2300 or CISY 2300) and (CSIS 2365 or CISY 2365 or CSIS 2375) or approval of instructor


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for CSIS 3495
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

There are no course offerings this semester.