Course code
DACS 5113
Clinical Applications of Behaviour Analysis
Disability & Community Studies
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
Flexible delivery ranging over 2 to 15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
30 hours
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Lecture
- Case studies
- Audio-visual presentations
- Problem-based learning
- Reading groups
- Self-directed online learning
Course description
In this upper level course, students deepen their professional knowledge, skills, and abilities by completing clinical treatment modules for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities. Topics may include:
• Behaviour analytic instruction
• The assessment and treatment of childhood feeding and sleeping problems, and stereotypy
• Teaching verbal behaviour
• Behaviour analytic instruction
• The assessment and treatment of childhood feeding and sleeping problems, and stereotypy
• Teaching verbal behaviour
Course content
The following global ideas guide the design and delivery of this course:
- Contemporary best-practice behaviour analysis is predicated on:
- Peer-reviewed, evidenced-based research
- Interventions that are thoroughly individualized via detailed assessment processes
- A contextual “Goodness of Fit” with families
- Professional ethics
- Professional ethics require behaviour analysts to restrict interventions to procedures found effective in published, peer-reviewed studies.
- Behaviour analysts search academic databases and read contemporary publications to remain abreast of treatment refinements.
- Feeding, sleeping, and stereotypy problem behaviours are frequently seen in individuals with an ASD and remediating such problems form part of the professional repertoire of the behaviour analyst.
- Teaching children and persons who support them (parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, etc.) using behaviour analytic instructional methods form a central role of the behaviour analyst.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Select and conduct clinically relevant assessment procedures for sleeping, feeding, and stereotypy behaviours.
- Select and evaluate best-practice methods for teaching functional communication, and for treating sleeping, feeding, and stereotypy behaviours.
- Hone methods for conducting parent and staff training.
- Refine technological behaviour analytic writing skills consistent with APA formatting and style.
Means of assessment
This course will conform to Douglas College policy regarding the number and weighting of evaluations. Typical means of evaluation would include a combination of:
- Online contribution
- Module exams
- Case studies
- Clinical treatment plans
- Academic essay
Textbook materials
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:
Individually assigned readings and/or books