Field Methods 2
- Topographic and geological maps, air photographs and sattelite imagery.
- Observing in the field and recording of accurate/descriptive field notes in field notebooks (and in digital format).
- Area-specific field mapping strategy using published data, remote sensing and other information.
- Sampling programs, laying out sampling grids, collection of soil and other types of samples.
- Field identification and description of a range of minerals and rocks, including economic mineral assemblages.
- Exploration field tools, including magnetic compass (including Brunton), GPS, trigonometric triangulation with compass, chain, clinometer.
- Identification, measurement, prediction, and interpretation of geologic structures in the field.
- Base maps, geological maps with a variety of data, together with integrated cross-sections.
- Field area reports, including rock units, geological history, depositional environments, orogeny, tectonics, economic mineralogy, prospects.
- Common geophysical tools. A variety of geophysical methods will be reviewed including magnetometer, IP, G.P. Radar, Magnetotellurics, Electromagnetic methods, pXRF, Scintillometer and reflection seismic. Some tools will be demonstrated. Emphasis will be on use rather than interpretation.
- Geomorphology, including description of common glacial and other surficial features. Preparation of simple surficial maps.
- Water flow at surface, groundwater flow in surficial and glacial materials and rock.
- Mining methods, economic deposits, mineralized rock exposures.
- Assignments and labs may include the following:
- Navigation and positional determination exercise.
- Mapping rock units and structural elements.
- Mapping of surficial materials and glacial structures.
- Detailed logging of trenches and stratigraphic columns.
- Preparation of geological reports.
- Mine tour and description.
- Soil and rock sampling exercise.
The class will involve lectures and labs in a field setting. The course will normally occur over a 3 - 4 week period.
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with Douglas College policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation will be based on the following:
Labs and assignments 30 - 40%
Field Notes and reports 10 - 20%
Quizzes and Exams 50%
After successfully completing EAES 2500, a student will be able to:
- Explain why observation is fundamental to the scientific method, and why development of careful and thoughtful observation is important for an Earth Scientist.
- Collect and record field information for use in daily field mapping and in later data analysis.
- Use published and supplied information to plan geological traverses, and a simple mineral exploration strategy.
- Describe and identify a wide variety of minerals in the field, including common alteration minerals.
- Describe rocks and explain how they have formed in a variety of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic settings.
- Navigate and locate positions with precision, by using and integrating a number of techniques.
- Predict the occurrence of geological structures based on geological environment, then identify, meaure and interpret their significance.
- Develop integrated geological maps and cross-sections utilizing field information and published data.
- Describe and identify economic minerals, and infer mineral deposit types.
- Identify common geophysical and geochemical tools and techniques for field use.
- Describe and identify surficial materials and associated groundwater flow.
- Construct a geological history of a region using field data and published data.
- Discuss some modern mining methods, and collect basic geologic data from a mine exposure (underground and/or open pit).
Students should consult the bookstore for the latest required course materials, including textbook.
Textbook: A.L.Coe; Geological Field Techniques; Wiley Blackwell or equivalent text.
Notebook: Rite in the Rain waterproof booklet or equivalent.
Other equipment: rock hammer, hand lens, mineral identification kit, safety eyewear.
EAES 1500 and 2410 and 2550 or permission of instructor. Student must demonstrate completion of a valid first-aid course with CPR and wound treatment.
No equivalent courses.
Course Guidelines
Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.
Course Transfers
These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see
Institution | Transfer details for EAES 2500 |
Athabasca University (AU) | AU GEOL 2XX (3) |
Capilano University (CAPU) | CAPU SCEL 2XX (4) |
College of the Rockies (COTR) | COTR GEOL 2XX (3) |
Langara College (LANG) | LANG GEOL 2XXX (3) |
Simon Fraser University (SFU) | SFU EASC 306 (3) |
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) | TRU GEOL 2XXX (3) |
Trinity Western University (TWU) | No credit |
University Canada West (UCW) | UCW SCIE 2XX (3) |
University of British Columbia - Okanagan (UBCO) | UBCO EESC_O 335 (3) |
University of British Columbia - Vancouver (UBCV) | UBCV EOSC_V 3rd (3) |
University of Northern BC (UNBC) | UNBC GEOG 2XX (3) |
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) | UFV GEOG 2XX (3) |
University of Victoria (UVIC) | DOUG EAES 1500 (4) & DOUG EAES 2500 (4) = UVIC EOS 2XX (1.5) & UVIC EOS 300 (1.5) |
University of Victoria (UVIC) | UVIC EOS 2XX (1.5) |
Vancouver Community College (VCC) | VCC EVSC 2XXX (3) |
Vancouver Community College (VCC) | No credit |
Course Offerings
Summer 2025
CRN | Days | Instructor | Status | More details |
Instructor last name
Instructor first name
Course status
EAES 2500 080 - This course transfers to EASC 306 at SFU. Prerequisites are EAES 1500, EAES 2410 and EAES 2550 or permission of instructor. Students will carry out lab exercises outdoors, at times in rugged terrain, which will involve hiking and all- weather conditions. Students will be subject to special fees, safety regulations, and must sign a liability waiver. The field school will run in various field locations in BC in May, 2025. An information session will be held in late February/early March 2025 (date, location and time TBA). Please contact the department chair for information on the info session and how to register for the course.