Resource Deposits and Geological Maps 1
- Map fundamentals: Map scales, projections, coordinate systems and symbology.
- Publicly available maps and reports: GSC, BCGS and other provincial agencies, USGS, and commercial sources.
- Maps and cross-sections applied to exploration and mining: selection, display and analysis of types of data, surface locations (drill holes, samples, adits, claim boundaries, etc.), surficial geology, bedrock geology, structure, thickness, lithology, mineralogy, geochronology, geochemistry, facies, fractures, subsurface maps. Some applications will use GIS.
- Geology of sedimentary deposits of minerals and coal hydrocarbons: aggregate (gravel and sand), placer, coal, potash, uranium, banded iron, carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb, shale gas, petroleum and natural gas. Deposit characteristics: formation, mineralogy, petrology, diagenesis, alteration.
- Sample description: rock outcrops, core logging, drill cuttings, hand specimens, thin sections.
- Mineral and rock identification tools and techniques: mineral properties (hardness, fracture/cleavage, colour, lustre, crystal form, streak, and others), mineral percentage charts, binary and ternary charts (including QAPF), stereo (low-power) microscope and petrographic microscope (introductory skills).
- Simple geological reports: structure, illustrations.
Lecture, lab, and occasional field trips.
Assessment will be in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation will be based on the following:
Assignments and Labs: 25-40%
Project(s): 10-25%
Term Tests: 25%
Final Exam: 25%
Total: 100%
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- utilize various publicly-available information sources when geologically evaluating an area;
- prepare and interpret a variety of geological map types, including paper base maps and GIS;
- describe types of sedimentary deposits of minerals and coal;
- collect mapping data from rock outcrops, drill cores and drill information;
- prepare geological reports.
Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. Example textbooks and materials may include:
- Ridley, J.; Ore Deposit Geology; Cambridge University Press.
- Moon, C.J, Whateley, M.K.G., Evans, A.M.; Introduction to Mineral Exploration; Blackwell Publishing.
- Bennison, G.M.; An Introduction to Geological Structures and Maps; Hodder Education Publishing.
- Jebrak and Marcoux; Geology of Mineral Resources; Geological Association of Canada.
Other Course Materials: "Rite in the Rain" waterproof booklet or equivalent, rock hammer, hand lens, mineral identification kit, safety eyewear.
Course Guidelines
Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.
Course Transfers
These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see
Institution | Transfer details for EAES 2800 |
Athabasca University (AU) | AU GEOL 3XX (3) |
Capilano University (CAPU) | CAPU SCEL 2XX (4) |
College of the Rockies (COTR) | COTR GEOL 2XX (3) |
Langara College (LANG) | LANG GEOL 2XXX (3) |
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) | No credit |
Simon Fraser University (SFU) | No credit |
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) | TRU GEOL 2XXX (3) |
Trinity Western University (TWU) | No credit |
University Canada West (UCW) | UCW SCIE 2XX (3) |
University Canada West (UCW) | No credit |
University of British Columbia - Okanagan (UBCO) | UBCO EESC_O 3rd (3) |
University of Northern BC (UNBC) | UNBC GEOG 2XX (3) |
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) | UFV GEOG 2XX (4) |
University of Victoria (UVIC) | UVIC EOS 2XX (1.5) |
Vancouver Community College (VCC) | VCC EVSC 2XXX (3) |
Vancouver Community College (VCC) | No credit |
Vancouver Island University (VIU) | VIU GEOL 206 (3) |