
Lower Intermediate Speaking and Pronunciation for English Language Learners

Language, Literature & Performing Arts
English Language Learning and Acquisition
Course Code
ELLA 0010
Semester Length
15 weeks
Max Class Size
Method(s) Of Instruction
Field Experience
Typically Offered
To be determined


Course Description
This course is designed to help English language learners upgrade their speaking skills for personal, educational, and/or employment purposes. Students will communicate in a variety of settings in order to improve their confidence and develop their oral fluency and pronunciation. The course will also provide opportunities for language development including language functions, grammar, and vocabulary.
Course Content

Students will receive instruction in skills and strategies in the following areas:

Speaking Skills

  1. Participating in paired and small group conversations:
  • Open, respond to, and close small talk and casual conversations.
  • Indicate problems in communication by asking for repetition, clarification and explanation.
  • Give sets of simple everyday instructions and directions.
  • Interact one-on-one to ask for and provide information describing routine daily activities or personal stories.
  • Listen carefully, respond appropriately, actively contribute ideas, hold the floor as appropriate, and encourage others to participate.
  • Show an emerging ability to use culturally-appropriate conventions for small talk and casual conversations.
  1. Preparing and giving informal monologues:
  • Describe a simple location or object in a coherent narrative of up to 1 minute, using a basic outline with logically-organized ideas.
  • Create and participate in dialogues and roleplays using newly-acquired language functions and features of pronunciation and grammar.

Pronunciation Skills


  1. Identifying and demonstrating emerging ability to articulate features of pronunciation:
  • High-frequency vowel and consonant sounds.
  • The appropriate pronunciation of words ending in –s and –ed.
  • Stressed/unstressed syllables in words, phrases and sentences (focus and content words).


  1. Developing awareness of independent learning strategies:
  • Receive instructor feedback on personal strengths and weaknesses in pronunciation.
  • Learn techniques for using dictionaries, online tools, and some IPA symbols to determine pronunciation.
  • Explore techniques for monitoring improvement, including the use of appropriate technology.


Language functions

  • Express needs, preferences, satisfaction/dissatisfaction, and likes/dislikes.
  • Request and give simple advice or suggestions.
  • Request and give and/or deny permission.
  • Extend and accept or decline invitations.
  • Express and respond to compliments and congratulations.



  • Demonstrate adequate control over basic grammar structures and tenses.
  • Use basic syntax with correct word order in statements, negatives, and questions.



  • Use vocabulary and basic idioms related to everyday, personally relevant topics.


Study Skills

Take responsibility for:

  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Class work and assignments
  • Participation and teamwork


Use common software to communicate and to complete information management tasks such as word processing assignments, sending emails, or signing in to an online learning management system.

Learning Activities

Some or all of the following methods will be used:

  • whole-class instruction
  • large- and small-group discussion
  • pair work on tasks
  • computer-assisted learning
  • instructor feedback
  • monitor-led experiential tasks
Means of Assessment

Student achievement will be measured using the mastery system in accordance with College policy. Students will receive ongoing feedback from the instructor throughout the course. Evaluation will be based on learning outcomes and course content. Mastery will be granted to students who achieve an average of at least 70% on the items listed below. Evaluation will include, but need not be limited to, the following tasks:


-At least 1 recorded student-generated conversation or roleplay to demonstrate a new language function and/or point of grammar (such as extending and accepting an invitation over the phone, interviewing a classmate using proper question forms, or writing a dialogue for a film trailer or cartoon).



-At least 1 individual, paired, or group presentation (presented to the instructor, a small group, or to the class) of up to 1 minute of sustained, connected speech for each student, describing a simple process, location, or object.


-At least 2 paper-based quizzes to demonstrate mastery of language functions, grammar, and/or vocabulary.


-At least 1 recorded reading of a short text to demonstrate mastery of one or more features of pronunciation.


-At least 1 pronunciation project, in which individual students work on one of their own weaknesses in pronunciation as identified by the instructor, show evidence of practicing that point, and record themselves correctly using that point.


-A complete record of weekly experiential tasks such as completion of assignments before, during, and after the activities (setting goals, taking notes, or writing a reflective paragraph) and proof of attendance at all activities.


Sample grade breakdown for this course might be as follows:

Recorded conversations worth up to 15% (total)

Presentation worth up to 15%

Recorded readings worth up to 15% (total)

Paper-based quizzes worth up to 15% (total)

Pronunciation project worth up to 15%

Experiential tasks worth up to 10% (total)

Participation and homework worth up to 15%

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, successful students will


Speaking and Pronunciation Skills

  1. Communicate information in culturally-appropriate ways in short, non-demanding one-on-one or small group conversations about familiar everyday topics.
  2. Give brief monologues (about 1 minute of sustained, connected speech), describing personal experiences, locations, objects, or simple processes in one-on-one or small group settings.
  3. Monitor and apply strategies of accuracy in basic elements of pronunciation such as vowel and consonant sounds and word stress.
  4. Monitor and apply strategies of accuracy in language functions, grammar, and word choice.
  5. Complete assigned experiential tasks to a required level of mastery.

Study Skills

  1. Participate effectively in a college class.
  2. Assess own progress.
Textbook Materials

Students may be required to purchase one or more of the following materials:

  • coursepacks
  • lab software
  • a dictionary such as Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary
  • textbooks at the CEFR A2 level such as Oxford Have Your Say 1 or Cengage Active Skills for Communication Intro. See Instructor Guidelines for the textbooks designated for each term.



ELLA assessment





Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer Details for ELLA 0010
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Fall 2024