Improving Academic Accuracy for English Language Learners
Curriculum guideline
Class: 4 hours/week
Some or all of the following methods will be used:
- whole-class instruction
- large- and small- group discussion
- pair work on tasks
- peer review
- computer-assisted learning
- in-class writing practice
- instructor feedback on written work
- revision of submitted writing
Throughout the process of preparing for a range of college assignments, students will receive instruction in skills and strategies in the following areas:
- Proofread and edit their own written texts, revising drafts effectively, reading thoughtfully and responding effectively to peer and instructor feedback.
- Demonstrate oral fluency in using grammatical, syntactical, and lexical structures typically occurring in moderately demanding academic contexts.
- Write cohesive single and connected paragraphs using appropriate connective words and phrases.
- Demonstrate mastery of word forms, word choice, register, clause, sentence and longer text elements, and mechanics specified for this and lower levels of mastery.
- Use appropriately and effectively the following grammar and syntax structures: present modals of possibility and certainty; phrases for intensifying possibility; prepositional phrases to extend noun groups; paired conjunctions; complex sentences: adverb clauses, 1st and 2nd conditional sentences, non-defining adjective clauses.
Use appropriately and effectively the following items:
- Vocabulary for causes and effects
- Expanded range of vocabulary that includes words and expressions related to general content areas
Study Skills
Take responsibility for:
- Attendance and punctuality
- Class work and assignments
- Participation and teamwork
Use common software to communicate and to complete information management tasks such as word processing assignments, sending emails, or signing in to an online learning management system.
By the end of this course, successful students will
Grammar and Vocabulary Skills
- Demonstrate clear, logical, and coherent expressions in writing, avoiding errors.
- Use concrete and some abstract language to compose formal and informal messages and to write single and connected paragraphs about causes and effects on mostly familiar and partly predictable topics related to education and learning.
- Apply proofreading and editing skills in decisions about word form choice, register, clause, sentence and longer text elements, cohesive devices, and mechanics.
- Use grammatical structures and vocabulary from the course content to a required level of mastery.
Study Skills
- Assess own progress.
- Participate effectively in a college classroom.
Student achievement will be measured using formative assessment tools and the mastery system in accordance with College policy. Students will receive on-going feedback from the instructor throughout the course. Evaluation will be based on learning outcomes as well as instructor-specified criteria. Mastery will be granted to students who achieve an average of at least 70% on the items listed below. Evaluation will include, but may not be limited to, completing the following tasks:
-A collection of tasks demonstrating effective proofreading and editing skills based on instructor and peer feedback, as well as on the student's own attention to errors in writing. Assignments will include sentence, paragraph, and longer text writing.
-A collection of tasks showing effective use of newly introduced grammar, syntax structures, and vocabulary from course content. Assignments will include sentence, paragraph, and longer text writing.
-At least 3 in-class writing assessments, single or connected paragraphs of at least 250 words on a topic related to education and academic life. Students will demonstrate mastery of newly introduced grammar and syntax structures.
-At least 2 in-class editing assessments, targeting specific errors in writing. Students will demonstrate mastery of grammar and syntax structure for this and lower levels of ability.
-At least 1 self-assessment of learning strategies, progress, and classroom skills (to be discussed with the instructor).
Sample grade breakdown:
Proofreading and editing skills tasks worth up to 20% (total)
Tasks on newly introduced grammar and vocabulary worth up to 15% (total)
In-class writing worth up to 30%
In-class editing worth up to 25%
Participation worth up to 10%
Total: 100%
Students may be required to purchase one or more of the following:
- coursepacks
- lab software
- a dictionary, such as Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- textbooks, such as Cambridge Grammar and Beyond Level 3, Pearson Longman Eye on Editing 2, or McGraw-Hill Better Writing through Editing