Reading Fiction
Curriculum guideline
Lecture: 2 hours/week; Seminar 2 hours/week
Hybrid: 2 hours/week in class; 2 hours/week online
Fully online
Some or all of the following methods will be used:
- Lecture/discussion
- Group work
- Peer review
- Instructor feedback on students’ work
- Individual consultation
All first-year English literature courses share the following features:
- Students are instructed in the writing of analytical essays on literary subjects.
- Students are taught to recognize and understand a variety of literary devices and textual elements, such as metaphor, symbolism, distinctions between author and narrator/narrating persona, and issues of language and of structure, as appropriate to the genres and texts studied.
- Readings and topics vary among sections of the same course, according to each instructor’s selection; however, all course materials are consistent with the objectives/outcomes for this course.
In English 1106, students will read both novels and short stories in a variety of genres.
Upon completion of any first-year English literature course, the successful student should be able to
- read analytically and reflectively with attention to the subtleties of language;
- recognize and understand literary devices;
- practice writing as a process involving pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing;
- write an essay of literary analysis that develops an argumentative thesis supported by appropriate, correctly integrated and cited evidence; and
- give and receive constructive criticism on written work.
Upon completion of 1106, the successful student should also be able to
- recognize different strategies of narrative development in fiction;
- discuss elements of fiction, such as plot, setting, character, and point-of-view;
- understand the features and concepts of genre in fiction; and
- identify and define the interpretive elements of themes in fiction.
The course evaluation is consistent with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. Instructors may use a student’s record of attendance and/or level of active participation in a course as part of the student’s graded performance. Where this occurs, expectations and grade calculations regarding class attendance and participation must be clearly defined in the Instructor Course Outline.
- A minimum of two formal academic essays, with a combined value of at least 40% of the course grade.
- A minimum of 80% of the course grade will be based on writing assignments such as essays, essay-based exams, journals and paragraphs. A maximum of 20% of the course grade may be based on informal writing such as quizzes and short answer tests, and/or non writing-intensive assignments such as oral reports, presentations, participation and preparation.
A list of required textbooks and materials will be provided for students at the beginning of the semester.
Sample Reading List A:
- The Norton Anthology of Shorter Fiction
- Shelley, Frankenstein
- Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five
- Robinson, Monkey Beach
Sample Reading List B:
- Contemporary Women's Short Stories: An Anthology
- Austen, Pride and Prejudice
- Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness
- Vermette, The Break
Any College entrance Language Proficiency Requirement with the exceptions of the Douglas College Course Options in ELLA or ENGU and the assessments listed below. These require the specified higher standard for entry into CMNS, CRWR and ENGL courses.
• a minimum grade of C- in ELLA 0460, or a minimum grade of C- in both ELLA 0465 and 0475, OR
• a minimum grade of C- in ENGU 0450 or ENGU 0455 or ENGU 0490, OR
• Mastery in ELLA 0330 and any two of ELLA 0310, 0320, or 0340, OR
• TOEFL overall score of 83 with a minimum of 21 in Writing, OR
• IELTS overall score of 6.5 with no band below 6.0; for individual bands below 6.0:
• if in Speaking, ELLA 0210 required
• if in Reading or Listening, ELLA 0220 required
• if in Writing, ELLA 0230 and ELLA 0240 required
• CLB score of 8, OR
• CEFR level B2+, OR
• CAEL minimum overall and essay score of 70 (computer or paper based), OR
• recognized equivalent or exemption.
In combination with another 1100-level English or CRWR course (as per College calendar requirements), this course may serve as a prerequisite for any 2nd year English course.