1. Lecture/Practice
2. Group discussion
3. Application exercises/case studies
4. Guest lectures
5. Independent study of courseware and specified topics
- Data Quality
- terminology
- attributes
- models
- primary, secondary uses of data
- data elements (demographic, clinical, financial)
- data sources
- methodologies used to asses data quality
- role of the health information manager in data management
- Data Collection
- performing a Needs Assessment
- methodology
- review of the discharge abstract
- design a data request form
- log requests
- Data Extraction
- terminology
- methodology
- using CIHI reports
- Data Display
- purpose
- organizing data
- general and specific display guidelines
- selection of appropriate visual data display techniques
- application of software including Excel
- Data Analysis and Interpretation
- purpose
- use of statistics
- identification of outcomes, patterns, trends, and indicators
- Data Promotion
- purpose
- education of internal/external stakeholders
- methodology
- role of the health information manager and health information management services
- Hospital Statistics
- review of rates, ratios and proportions
- calculation of statistics based on census data (average daily census, occupancy, bed turnover, other)
- calculation of length of stay and average length of stay
- calculation of common hospital statistical rates
- mortality (gross, net, anesthetic, postoperative, maternal, neonatal, fetal, infant, other)
- autopsy (gross, net, hospital, other)
- morbidity (complication, infection, other)
- miscellaneous (Caesarean, consultation, other)
In this course participants will have the opportunity to:
- discuss the importance of data quality and the methodologies used to improve the accuracy, comparability, timeliness, usability and relevance of statistical data/information
- retrieve requested information with a high degree of accuracy from a variety of sources with emphasis on the discharge abstract data
- retrieve, organize, analyze and present statistical data appropriately and accurately using a variety of tools such as reportwriter and graphic software packages
- describe the role of the health information manager and the health information management department in the collection, retrieval, and analysis of data
- calculate hospital statistics using established formulas with a high degree of accuracy
Typical evaluations would include:
- Final Exam
- Midterm Exams
- Assignments
Course evaluation is based on course objectives and is consistent with Douglas College Curriculum Development & Approval policy.
A detailed evaluation schedule is presented to the students at the beginning of the course.
Outline of evaluation may be subject to change.
This is a graded course
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:
A list of mandatory and optional textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of each course.
HIMP 1270 or meeting direct entry requirements