Course code
HIMP 3340
Information & Data Management along the Care Continuum
Health Information Management
Health Sciences
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture 4 hours per week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
Students will learn principles and practices of information and data management along the care continuum through a combination of experiential learning and independent study. Some or all of the following methods will be used:
- lecture/discussion
- group work
- group discussions and exercises
- independent research
- quizzes
- instructor feedback on students' work
- individual consultation
- presentation (individual or group)
Course description
Students are introduced to health data and information needs across the health care continuum and the integral role and responsibilities of the health information management professional.
Course content
In this course the learner will explore:
- Health data concepts and information governance
- The major users of health care data
- The steps in the decision-making process with a focus on data collection
- Health data needs across the health care continuum
- The public and private sector use of health care data
- The fundamental concepts of health informatics including data, knowledge and information
- The formulation of data dictionaries in compliance with data standards for health information systems
- The data governance and benefits to the health sector
- The health information exchange: framework, governance and application to health data and information
- Privacy controls for access, use and disclosure of health data and information
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, successful learners will be able to:
- Identify salient health data and information needs across the health care continuum
- Describe how public and private organizations use health care data to assess costs, quality and patient outcomes
- Discuss the the methods used to formualte a data dictionary
- Discuss the concept of data governance and the benefits it provides to health care organizations
- Identify health information exchanges and public health population-based data
- Outline the uses of data and information. Outline the related privacy controls for access, use and disclosure
Means of assessment
The course evaluation is consistent with the Douglas College evaluation policy. An evaluation schedule is presented at the beginning of the course. This is a graded course. All assignments must be completed to pass the course.
Textbook materials
A list of required and optional textbooks, materials and electronic applications is provided for students at the beginning of each semester.