
Hospitality Marketing Principles

Important Notice

This course is not active. Please contact Department Chair for more information.

Commerce & Business Administration
Hospitality Management
Course code
HOSP 1325
Semester length
15 Weeks X 4 Hrs per week = 60 Hours
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This course introduces the student to the major concepts involved in the marketing function for hospitality concerns. The course addresses the role of marketing in the hospitality firm and in the business community, and explores the tools and techniques used in developing a marketing strategy. Particular emphasis is placed on multi cultural marketing, the importance of the elements of the marketing mix, current marketing issues and analytical methods particular to the hospitality industry.
Course content
  1. The Marketing Process
    • The meaning and importance of marketing from a historical perspective
    • Marketing functions and marketing variables in the context of the firm
    • Strategic marketing, mission statements, situation analysis
    • The marketing planning process -- attention will be given to information requirements and process for marketing analysis and decision-making
    • The sequence of steps in making marketing decisions in the firm
    • Marketing strategies in international hospitality
  2. Differentiation, Segmentation and Target marketing
    • The basis and uses of market segmentation.  Emphasis will be placed on geographic, demographic, multi cultural, psycho graphic and usage rate/benefit bases
  3. The Marketing Plan
    • Data collection, analysis and marketing plan layout. Environmental scanning
  4. Market Research
    • The methods of collecting and analyzing marketing information.  Survey research, secondary data sourcing, observation and other techniques will be discussed.
  5. Competitive Analysis
    • Macro micro competition, competitive intensity, intelligence and analysis. Feasibility studies
  6. Positioning and Branding
    • Objective and subjective positioning, repositioning, branding and positioning, internal positioning
  7. Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place, Promotion
  8. Product Life Cycle
  9. Local multicultural strategies and international marketing
    • International human behaviours - cultural differences, sensitivities and requirements
  10. Consumer Behaviour
Learning activities

The course will use a blend of lectures, student presentations, role plays and projects. Self and peer evaluation will be used to supplement instructor evaluation.

Means of assessment
Participation            10%
Group Projects           35% - 55%
Examination(s)  35% - 55%
Total          100%


Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the successful student should be able to:

  1. Understand the concept, scope, role and function of  marketing in business, the economy and society and specifically as it applies to the hospitality business
  2. Formulate a SWOT analysis
  3. Prepare a basic market segmentation study
  4. Differentiate demand types
  5. Articulate the principles that guide hospitality marketing in multi-cultural environments
  6. Articulate the concept of target marketing including: determining target markets in multi cultural local, regional and global market; identifying sources of information for determining target markets; communicating to target markets, segmenting target market according to demographics, psychographics, geography and use frequency; and identifying segments offering most desirable potential for business.
  7. Discuss the particular issues associated with marketing to and servicing an international traveling clientele
  8. Formulate a simple market research study using secondary data, analytical techniques and primary collection methods
  9. Write a marketing plan for a restaurant or hotel/motel operations including evaluation and control procedures
  10. Comment critically on the strengths and weaknesses of various establishments' marketing efforts, with particular reference to marketing internationally
  11. Describe the steps in developing marketing strategies and discuss the importance of each step for a hospitality operation
  12. Describe the relationship between sales promotion, merchandising and other promotional mix elements;
  13. Identify the benefits of effective marketing management, evaluation and control techniques
  14. Describe the marketing strategies and tactics in relation to the product life cycle as it applies to the hospitality industry
  15. Create a positioning segmentation and branding strategy
  16. Distinguish between macro and micro competition and  create a competitive intelligence strategy
  17. Outline the components of a hotel or restaurant marketing feasibility study
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students will be selected from:

A selection will be made from the following:

“Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality A Canadian Perspective.” Hudson, Dr. Simon, Thomson  Nelson

Kotler, P., J. Bowen and J. Makens.  Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism,  Latest Ed., Upper Saddle River:  Prentice-Hall.

Hospitality Marketing Management, Reid, R.D., David Bojanic, JWS. Latest Ed.



No prerequisite courses.


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for HOSP 1325
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Summer 2025