Lecture: 2 Hours/week
Seminar: 2 Hours/week
A variety of pedagogical methods will be used in this course. They will include: lectures, group and class discussions, case discussions and presentations, guest speakers, web analysis and audio-visuals.
- Nature, scope, challenge, and functions of international marketing
- International trade – the environment, the players, and the dynamics
- International market assessment, analysis, and marketing research
- Legal, economic, cultural, financial, and political environment of international marketing
- Decisions, analysis, and investment strategies for entering international markets
- The various entry models for international marketing
- Developing and adapting products for international markets
- Emerging markets, world market regions, and market agreements
- International communications
- Promotion considerations and strategies
- Business customs and environments
- Export and global pricing strategies
- Distribution strategies and logistics for the international marketplace
- Marketing of services globally
- E-commerce, digital marketing, and new technologies
- Dealing with international customers, partners, regulators, and governments
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- develop a general overview and understanding of international marketing;
- analyze the marketing environment unique to various key nations;
- illustrate marketing techniques and strategies necessary to compete in the global market place;
- compare and contrast the global marketing strategies of multi-national enterprises with typical strategies of small-to medium-sized businesses;
- analyze and apply global issues and concepts relevant to all international marketers;
- identify and analyze the key cultural and environmental characteristics of any nation or global region and;
- develop an international marketing management strategy from a global perspective.
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy.
Major Term Project | 20-30% |
Assignments | 15-30% |
Class Participation | 5-10% |
Midterm Examination | 15-20% |
Final Examination | 15-25% |
Total | 100% |
Students must achieve at least 50% on the combined non-group components in order to obtain credit for the course, with the 50% calculated on a weighted average basis.
Students must complete all projects, assignments and write all examinations in order to be eligible for a passing grade in the course.
Instructors may use a student’s record of attendance and/or level of active participation in the course as part of the student’s graded performance. Where this occurs, expectations and grade calculations regarding class attendance and participation will be clearly defined in the Instructor Course Outline
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:
Baack, Czarnecka & Baack; International Marketing, Sage Publications, Inc. latest edition
(and/or other textbook(s) and/or other material approved by the department)