Marketing Research
- The role of marketing research
- The marketing research process
- Organizational and ethical issues
- Problem definition and the research proposal
- Exploratory research and qualitative analysis
- Secondary data
- On-line research
- Research designs for collecting primary data
- Measurement concepts
- Sampling and fieldwork
- Data analysis
- Reporting & communicating research results
This course consists of a mixture of lecture and seminar, and practical application of techniques is done through exercises and project work.
Assessment will be based on course objectives and will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. Instructors may use a student’s record of attendance and/or level of active participation in the course as part of the student’s graded work.
Class participation | 5% - 10% |
Project(s) | 35% - 45% |
Midterm | 20% - 25% |
Assignments | 20% - 30% |
Total | 100% |
- Students must achieve a minimum average grade of 50% on all non-group evaluations to pass the course, with the 50% calculated on a weighted average basis.
- No single assessment can exceed 40%.
- Students must complete all projects, assignments and write all examinations in order to be eligible for a passing grade in the course.
- Students may conduct research as part of their coursework in this class. Instructors for the course are responsible for ensuring that student research projects comply with College policies on ethical conduct for research involving humans, which can require obtaining Informed Consent from participants and getting the approval of the Douglas College Research Ethics Board prior to conducting the research.
At the end of the course, the successful student should be able to:
- explain the role of marketing research, and the process involved in integrating it into marketing strategy
- develop problem or opportunity formulation skills
- develop a market research plan and the tactics to implement it
- identify the objectives and methods of marketing research
- design the main types of survey research
- use a set of computerized statistical techniques for analyzing data
- interpret and analyze research
- explain the results of research analysis in business terms
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students
Malhotra, Naresh K. Basic Marketing Research, Latest Ed. Pearson and/or other textbook(s) and/or other material(s) approved by the department.
Leonard, Thomas L. Study Guide: Experiencing Marketing Research - A Student Project Manual, Latest Ed. Fort Worth, Texas: The Dryden Press and/or other textbook(s) and/or other material(s) approved by the department. [Optional]
CMNS 1115 or any UT English
Any one of the following: BUSN 2429, CSIS 1190, CYCC 4423, HIMP 2110, HIMP 2120, PSYC 2300, PSYC 2301, PSYC 3300, SOWK 4160, SPSC 3256, or THRT 3719
OR MARK 1120 AND currently active in one of the following:
PBD Advanced Supply Chain Management
PBD Digital Marketing
PBD International Supply Chain Management
PBD Project Management
PDD International Business Management
PDD Hospitality Marketing
PDD Marketing
PDD Sales
Courses listed here must be completed either prior to or simultaneously with this course:
- No corequisite courses
Courses listed here are equivalent to this course and cannot be taken for further credit:
- No equivalency courses
Course Guidelines
Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.
Course Transfers
These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see
Institution | Transfer details for MARK 4441 |
Camosun College (CAMO) | CAMO MARK 210 (3) |
Capilano University (CAPU) | CAPU BMKT 360 (3) |
Langara College (LANG) | LANG MARK 2XXX (3) |
Trinity Western University (TWU) | TWU BUSI 2XX (3) |
Course Offerings
Summer 2025
CRN | Days | Instructor | Status | More details |
Mon Wed | Instructor last name
Instructor first name
Course status
CRN | Days | Instructor | Status | More details |
Mon Wed | Instructor last name
Instructor first name
Course status
CRN | Days | Instructor | Status | More details |
Thu | Instructor last name
Instructor first name
Course status