
Private Lessons (Secondary) I

Language, Literature & Performing Arts
Course Code
MUSC 1151
Semester Length
15 weeks
Max Class Size
Method(s) Of Instruction
Typically Offered


Course Description
Students will receive individual instruction in voice, on an instrument, or in composition. Performance lessons include repertoire, technical requirements, sight reading, and other skills. In composition lessons, the development of the student’s skills will be guided on an individual basis.
Course Content

For composition students:

Composition students will be expected to complete at least one composition and will be expected to have a premiere performance of at least one piece.  The student will be required to demonstrate a capacity to write sketches and shorter works in a variety of styles and instrumental genres.

For performance students:

These represent sample requirements. Depending on the level of the student, repertoire, technique and sight reading will be adjusted appropriately.

  1. Fundamentals
    • Wind Instruments
      • Breathing exercises and breath control
      • Posture and correct positioning of instrument
      • Embouchure
      • Tone development
      • Intonation
      • Development of dynamic range
      • Articulation
    • Guitar (nylon string, steel string, and/or electric), Electric Bass Guitar, and Lute:
      • Correct sitting posture
      • Correct hand positions
      • Tuning
      • Development of tone
    • Voice
      • Body awareness (posture, alignment)
      • Breathing (physical function, concept of breath control/support)
      • Making sound: phonation (balance, registers, intonation, comfort in developing personal vocal sound, range, dynamics)
      • Diction (vowels, consonants, diphthongs)
      • Applying musicianship skills (notation, rhythm)
    • Percussion and/or drum set
      • Stick grip
      • Positioning of instrument(s)
      • Playing position
      • Understanding of specialized notation
    • Keyboard (piano, organ, harpsichord)
      • Pentachord exercises
      • Lateral movements with the thumb
      • Major and minor scales and arpeggios, two octaves, ascending and descending
      • Triads and inversions, one octave, ascending and descending
      • Articulations
      • Pedal techniques (organ only)
    • String Instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass)
      • Posture and instrument position
      • Left hand – correct position and development of technique
      • Right hand – correct bow hold and use of bow
      • Tuning of instrument
      • Tone production
      • Intonation
  2. Technique
    • Wind Instruments
      • Scales:  
        • all major and natural minor keys
        • one octave, ascending and descending
        • with the following articulations:  
          • all tongued
          • slur 2
          • slur 2, tongue 2   
      • Arpeggios:
        • all major and minor keys
        • one octave, ascending and descending
        • with the following articulations:
          • all tongued
          • slur 3
    • Guitar (nylon string, steel string, and/or electric), Electric Bass Guitar, and Lute
      • Scales:
        • Major, minor, modal and other scale forms, ascending and descending, at the discretion of the instructor and in consideration of the style being studied
      • Arpeggios, cadences and chord progressions:
        • at the discretion of the instructor and in consideration of the style being studied
    • Voice
      • At the discretion of the instructor and in consideration of the style being studied, vocal exercises suited to the needs of each student will be applied that cover the introductory principles of vocal development: flexibility, strength for breath capacity/management, relaxation of vocal tension, vowel clarity/purity, register isolation, coordination and balance, and range.
    • Keyboard (piano, organ, and harpsichord)
      All sharp majors and their relative harmonic and melodic minors
      • Scales:
        • to be played two octaves hands together, ascending and descending
      • Chords:
        • to be played in triads or four note form, hands separately, for two octaves            
        • Dominant sevenths to be played solid and broken
      • Arpeggios:
        • to be played in root position, hands together, two octaves: major, minor, dominant seventh and diminished seventh
      • Chord Progressions: At the discretion of the instructor.
    • Percussion and/or Drum Set
      • Snare Drum: 13 essential rudiments from National Association of Rudimental Drummers plus selected works from Goldenberg: Modern School for Snare Drum.
      • Mallet instruments:
        • Scales: All major and natural minor keys, two octaves
        • Arpeggios: All major and minor keys, two octaves
        • Selected etudes from Goldenberg: Modern School for Xylophone
      • Drum Set:
        • various styles and rhythms at the discretion of the instructor
    • String Instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass)
      • Scales:
        • all major keys
        • one octave
        • one and two notes per bow
      • Arpeggios:
        • all major keys
        • one octave
        • separate bows
  3. Studies, Etudes or Exercises
    • To be selected at the discretion of the instructor.
  4. Repertoire
    • At least two pieces to be selected by the instructor in consultation with the student.  Stylistic variety will be considered.
  5. Sight Reading (Instruments only)
    • Materials of appropriate complexity in terms of key, rhythm, range and style are to be selected by the instructor. The student will demonstrate accuracy and an understanding of the musical features and characteristics.
  6. Other Materials
    • May be introduced at the discretion of the instructor.   Examples include orchestral excerpts, special techniques, transposition, improvisation, etc.
  7. Performance
    • Students may perform in student recitals and/or masterclasses during the semester, with instructor permission.
Learning Activities

The student will receive one-half hour of private instruction per week for 12 weeks and will be expected to practice adequately as specified by the instructor.

Means of Assessment

The grade will be calculated by the instructor on the basis of weekly achievement in the various aspects of the course. This will be recorded by the instructor at the conclusion of each lesson.  Factors to be considered are progress, attendance, punctuality, musicianship and completion of minimum requirements.

Learning Outcomes

The successful performance student will learn the interpretation and performance of repertoire, technical requirements and sight reading as outlined in the Course Content.

The successful composition student will develop compositional skills as outlined in the Course Content.

Textbook Materials

The instructor will recommend suitable materials.



Acceptance into University Transfer / Music Diploma Program or Music Technology Program, and Faculty Permission


Full time status in the University Transfer/Music Diploma or Music Technology Program


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer Details for MUSC 1151
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) KPU MUSI 1155 (1)
Simon Fraser University (SFU) Any 2 of DOUG MUSC 1151 (1) or DOUG MUSC 1251 (1) or DOUG MUSC 2351 (1) or DOUG MUSC 2451 (1) = SFU CA 1XX (1)
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) TRU MUSI 1XXX (3)
Trinity Western University (TWU) TWU MUSA 110A (1)
University of British Columbia - Vancouver (UBCV) DOUG MUSC 1151 (1) & DOUG MUSC 1251 (1) = UBCV MUSC_V 171 (2)
University of Northern BC (UNBC) No credit
University of Victoria (UVIC) UVIC MUS 143 (0.5)

Course Offerings

Fall 2024