
Clinical Office Procedures

Health Sciences
Health Information Management
Course code
OADM 1325
Semester length
15 Weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Course designation
Industry designation
Typically offered


Course description
This course is designed to enable the Medical Office Assistant to perform basic clinical procedures including the use and management of medical equipment. The student will perform basic laboratory tests and assist the physician with specific examinations and procedures. Emphasis is placed on establishing and maintaining medical and surgical asepsis.
Course content

1.  Medical asepsis.  The learner will:

1.1     describe the types of micro organisms and their growth requirements
1.2     explain the infection process cycle and the body's protective mechanisms
1.3     describe the application of medical asepsis in the medical office.

2.  Vital signs.  The learner will:

2.1     assemble the equipment for taking vital signs
2.2     demonstrate the procedure for taking temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure
2.3     record vital signs on progress notes.

 3.  Physical examination.  The learner will:

3.1     demonstrate the procedure for taking height, weight, body draping and positioning
3.2     identify and assemble the equipment, instruments, and supplies for physical examination
3.3     demonstrate safe bending, lifting, and carrying techniques

 4.  Laboratory specimens.  The learner will:

4.1     define the relationship between the medical office and clinical laboratory
4.2     identify laboratory requests and reports
4.3     prepare requisitions, label specimens accurately and explain methods of storage and transportation of specimens
4.4     explain patient preparation for specific laboratory tests and the arrangements for patients being sent to external testing and treatment facilities.

 5.  Sterilization and disinfection.  The learner will:

5.1     demonstrate sanitization procedures
5.2     explain microbial control, sterilization, disinfection, and antisepsic technique.
5.3     demonstrate the use of the autoclave.

6.  Heat and cold.  The learner will:

6.1     explain the local effects, purposes, and factors affecting the application of heat and cold
6.2     describe the types of equipment used for moist, dry, hot and cold applications

7.  Vision testing.  The learner will:

7.1     demonstrate the procedure for visual acuity testing     

8.  Cardiopulmonary and x-ray examinations.  The learner will:

8.1.  explain basic x-ray examination techniques and patient preparation
8.2.  explain the purpose of electrocardiography and Holter monitor electrocardiography
8.3.  prepare requisitions for diagnostic procedures

 9.  Urinalysis.  The learner will:

9.1     discuss methods of urine collection
9.2     demonstrate urinalysis using reagent strips and  perform pregnancy tests
9.3     explain the instruction and arrangements for patients going to outside facilities for testing

10.  Hematology, Chemistry, Serology, and Blood typing  The learner will:

10.1   explain the purpose of specific hematology, chemistry, and serology blood tests, and identify blood types

11. Microbiology.  The learner will:

11.1   identify disease-causing micro organisms explain the stages of infection
11.2   explain the procedure for completing requisitions and transporting cultures and smears
11.3   state the methods used in the medical office to prevent cross-infection

12. Minor Office Surgery.  The learner will:

        12.1   describe the guidelines for surgical asepsis
        12.2   identify the instruments and supplies used in minor office surgery
        12.3   demonstrate the application of the opening of sterile packages
        12.4   demonstrate the procedure for preparing sterile trays for minor office surgery
        12.5   describe wounds types and treatment
        12.6   demonstrate the correct procedure for sharps disposal

13. Pediatric patients.  The learner will:

13.1   identify ways of establishing a rapport with the pediatric patient
13.2   demonstrate the procedure used for carrying, weighing and measuring an infant
13.3   explain growth patterns and recommended immunization schedules

14. Obstetrical and Gynecologic patients.  The learner will:

14.1   demonstrate the preparation of pelvic examination trays and specimen collection
14.2   prepare requisitions for Pap Smear and microbiology specimens and discuss specimen transport to outside laboratories
14.3   explain scheduled prenatal examinations and postnatal care procedures

15. Male Health.  The learner will:

         15.1  explain prostate cancer screening                                                                                                                                       15.2   explain testicular cancer screening

16. Colon Procedures. The learner will:

16.1   explain patient preparation for FIT (fecal immunochemical test), colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy


Learning activities
  1. Lecture
  2. Class discussion/participation
  3. May have a guest lecture (attendance required)
  4. May have a visit to a biomedical lab and/or hearing clinic (attendance required if visit and travel time takes place during scheduled class time)
  5. Lab--Class demonstration and practice of identified skills
Means of assessment
2 Examinations (10% each) 20%
Midterm Examination 20%
Final Examination 25%
Assignment(s) 10%
Lab-participation and skill assessment     25%
Total 100%


1. A minimum grade of 60% (15/25) in the lab component is required to pass this class.  Failure to participate will result in a grade of 0 in the lab component.  Any guest lectures or lab visits are considered a part of the lab component.

2. Students may conduct research as part of their coursework in this class. Instructors for the course are responsible for ensuring that student research projects comply with College policies on ethical conduct for research involving humans, which can require obtaining Informed Consent from participants and getting the approval of the Douglas College Research Ethics Board prior to conducting the research.

Learning outcomes

The learner has reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. identify the need for and apply aseptic techniques in the medical office
  2. assemble equipment; ascertain and chart vital signs and height and weight
  3. demonstrate the preparation of the examining room and patients for physical examination and other procedures
  4. demonstrate the preparation and care of specimens for laboratory testing
  5. discuss the process of infection and identify measures to prevent cross-contamination
  6. demonstrate the use of sterilization and disinfection techniques for equipment decontamination.
  7. discuss the therapeutic application of various forms of heat and cold
  8. complete and chart results of visual acuity testing using the Snellen eye chart
  9. explain patient preparation for x-ray and diagnostic imaging examinations and arrange appointments with outside facilities
  10. collect and prepare specimens to perform basic urinalysis and pregnancy testing and explain patient preparation for external laboratory testing procedures
  11. identify surgical instruments and prepare sterile trays used for minor office surgery
  12. discuss the preparation of children for examination, identifying tests and procedures used and the current immunization schedule recommendations
  13. demonstrate and discuss procedures for the examination of the gynecologic and obstetric patient
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students


Bonewit-West, Kathy.  Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, Latest Edition, W.B. Saunders Company.

Or other textbooks as approved by the department.



No prerequisite courses.


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for OADM 1325
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Summer 2025