The classes will be a mixture of short lectures, with in class solution of selected word problems. There might be an on-line component.
- Newtonian mechanics
- Conservation of momentum and angular momentum
- Conservation of energy
- Two-body problems: Central forces and gravitation
- Rotational motion of rigid bodies
- Mechanics in non-inertial reference frames
- Oscillators and coupled oscillators
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Hamiltonian mechanics
At the end of this course, the students will demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts, procedures and principles of mechanics through the solution of problems related to and or using:
- Newton's laws of motion: mass, force, inertial versus non-inertial reference frames
- Vectors and vector-valued functions in two- and three-dimensions: Cartesian, Polar, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates systems
- Projectile motion with linear and quadratic drag
- Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field
- Conservation of momentum and angular momentum, centre of mass, moment of inertia
- Conservation of energy: kinetic energy and work, potential energy, potentials and conservative forces
- Two body central force problems: central forces, Kepler's laws, equations of motion, equations of orbits
- Oscillations: Hooke's Law, Simple Harmonic Motion, driven damped oscillations, resonance
- Coupled Oscillators: equations of motion and matrix notation, normal modes
- Rotational motion of rigid bodies: total momentum, angular momentum, kinetic energy and potential energy of the centre of mass
- Mechanics in non-inertial reference frames: Newton's Laws in rotating and non-rotating frames, centrifugal forces, Coriolis force, Tides and the Foucault pendulum
- Lagrangian mechanics: review of calculus of variations, Euler-Lagrange equations, Lagrange's equations of motion, Hamilton's principle, generalized coordinates (optional), Lagrange multipliers and constraints, Symmetries and Conservation Laws, Noether's Theorem (optional)
- Hamiltonian mechanics: the Hamiltonian, Hamilton's equations of motion
Evaluation wil be carried out in accordance with Douglas College policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation will be based on some of the following criteria
- Assignments/Group work some of which might be on-line 0-25%
- Tests (maximum of 40% for each test as per college policy) 35-70%
- Attendance 0-5%
- Final exam 30-40%
Please consult the Douglas College Bookstore for current required text. The exact textbook and materials will be chosen by the instructor when the course is offered, but will be similar to
Classical Mechanics by John R. Taylor (current edition) published by University Science Books, USA. ISBN 1-891-389-22-X
MATH 2321 (Calculus III)