
Professional Readiness I: Markets and Job Applications

Important Notice

This course is not active. Please contact Department Chair for more information.

Language, Literature & Performing Arts
Print Futures
Course code
PRFU 1190
Semester length
6 weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This course is the first of four professional readiness courses intended to help students develop a career as a professional writer. The course provides an introduction to writing markets and hands-on practice in cover letter and resume development.
Course content
  1. Overview
    Students will:
    • review current writing markets (public, private, non-profit) and the range of careers
    • identify new writing markets and emerging trends
    • explore the concept of work versus jobs
  2. Market Analysis
    Students will:
    • learn how to use selected print and on-line sources of writing market information
    • identify key sectors for writers (on-line communications, media relations, book publications, research, magazines, editing, Intranet, multimedia, corporate communications, and so on)
    • identify key indicators for a writing market (types of jobs, typical career paths, potential growth, salary range, freelance opportunities, technical knowledge required, hardware and software required, and so on)
    • summarize and present information for a key sector
  3. Job Applications
    Students will:
    • learn about features of effective resumes for writers
    • identify professional/personal strengths and weaknesses, and transferable skills
    • draft cover letters in response to specific job advertisements
    • write and revise resumes based on instructor and peer feedback
Learning activities

The course will be delivered by lecture, seminar, and lab. In the seminar, students will be expected to share their findings, experiences, and writing. In the lab, students will be introduced to and learn how to use on-line writing-market resources.

Means of assessment

Students will demonstrate their mastery of course material through assignments and participation in discussion, group work, and interviews. At least one individual interview with the instructor will be required.

Students are expected to be self-motivated and to demonstrate professionalism, which includes active participation, good attendance, punctuality, and effective collaboration, ability to meet deadlines, presentation skills, and accurate self-evaluation.

Evaluation will be based on this general format:

Market analysis report (written) 20%
Market analysis report (oral) 10%
Cover letters (totalling) 20%
Resumes (totalling) 40%
Professionalism (as defined) 10%
Learning outcomes

Students will:

  1. identify current and emerging markets for writers
  2. learn basic market analysis skills for writers
  3. write effective cover letters for writing jobs
  4. write effective resumes (print and e-mail versions)
Textbook materials

Texts may include:

  • Electronic Resumes and Online Networking: How to Use the Internet to Do a Better Job Search, Including a Complete Up-to-Date Resource Guide. 2nd edition. Franklin Lakes, N.J.: Career Press, 2000.
  • Parker, Yana. Damn Good Resume Writing Guide. 3rd edition. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1996.



Acceptance into program or permission of coordinator.                               


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for PRFU 1190
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

There are no course offerings this semester.