Course code
PRFU 2400
Work Experience
Print Futures
Language, Literature & Performing Arts
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
180 hours of field experience
40 hours of practicum-related activities
Method(s) of instruction
Field Experience
Learning activities
The workplace supervisor will provide tasks and will supervise and evaluate student performance. The work-experience faculty member will meet with individual students to discuss work-experience plans and review necessary documentation (such as cover letters and resumes) and procedures. Ongoing support will be provided by e-mail, telephone, and optional forums.
Course description
This course prepares students for a professional writing career by providing relevant field-based experience. It enables them to use new research, editing, layout and design, writing, and interpersonal skills in a work environment. Through professional supervision, students can adapt and adjust their skills to a higher standard while making valuable employment contacts.
Course content
- Preparing for Work Experience
Successful students will:- submit resumes appropriate for professional writers – traditional and e-mail
- meet with the work-experience faculty member to discuss individual professional goals
- apply for posted positions or arrange work experience acceptable to the program
- demonstrate suitable job-search techniques, including telephone and interview skills
- During the Work Experience
Successful students will:- perform the duties assigned by the workplace supervisor of the work experience
- work within the organizational expectations for hours, days of work, and dress code
- ask for feedback for continued learning
- arrange for a meeting of the supervisor and work-experience faculty member
- participate in all assigned relevant tasks
- assist in the production of appropriate workplace documents under the direction of the workplace supervisor
- produce documentation as required according to specific restraints and timelines
- demonstrate an ability to establish effective working relationships with coworkers and supervisors
- assume responsibility for contacting the work-experience faculty member if issues or concerns arise
- After the Work Experience
The student will write a two-part report of approximately 15 to 20 pages on the work experience. The first part of the report will be descriptive and focus on the organization. The second part of the report will be self-reflective and will focus on the learning of the individual student. Before writing the report, the student will submit a one-to-two page report proposal to the work-experience faculty member for approval.
Learning outcomes
Students will:
- apply skills and strategies developed in their previous courses in a workplace situation in which they will be expected to function as professional writers in a production team
- be in a work situation in which they will take direction, achieve consensus, produce documents, and meet deadlines
- make a valuable networking contact
- have a valuable work experience to add to their resumes and a valuable product to begin their portfolio
- draw a link between a theoretical foundation and a practical application of skills
- acquire an experiential basis for curriculum in subsequent terms
Means of assessment
Students will be evaluated on the basis of Mastery/No Credit Granted.
- The student, workplace supervisor, and work-experience faculty member will participate in the evaluation process.
- The workplace supervisor will evaluate the student’s work, attendance, and attitude.
- The work-experience faculty member will make at least one site visit and do an evaluation during the work experience.
- A minimum of 180 hours of field experience and satisfactory work production must be met to receive a Mastery grade.
- The work-experience faculty member will evaluate the student’s written final report.
Textbook materials
Which prerequisite