Lecture: 2 hours/week;
Seminar: 2 hours/week
Hybrid: 2 hours/ week in class and 2 hours/week online
This course may be offered fully online
Classroom instruction will include both lectures and seminar discussions. Lectures will provide instruction on weekly topics with opportunities for student inquiry and discussion. Seminars will encourage active class participation in the analysis of assigned primary and secondary readings. Classroom instruction may also include facilitation of student-led projects, student presentations on specific readings and/or topics, and other types of student-led activities. Classroom instruction may also include tutorials and workshops on transferrable skills, including research methods, academic citation practice, and presentation skills.
When the course is offered in a hybrid format, students will complete a minimum of 50% of the course content online in a self-directed manner.
1. Course introduction
2. Society and technology: From sticks and stones to the digital age
3. The dividing line: Technology and systemic patterns of inequity
4. Technology and social transformation: Local to global perspectives
5. Technology and work
6. Technology and the body
7. Technology and the city
8. Enter the internet and the digital age
9. Sex, love, and intimacy online
10. From social media to video games: Exploring the digital self
11. Data-veillance and an algorithm for everything
12. Globalization and the digital divide
13. Finding community in the digital age
At the conclusion of the course the successful student will be able to:
- Explain foundational and contemporary issues in the sociological study of technology;
- Identify social and cultural processes that shape the development, reception, and use of a range of technologies;
- Apply key sociological theories, such as, neoliberalism and subjectivity, innovation and social transformation, capitalism and labour, and globalization, in order to examine technology and its development and use in societies;
- Demonstrate the ability to critically analyze key areas of sociological scholarship as they relate to technology and society, such as, digital sociologies, neoliberalism, and community and social connection;
- Identify and critically analyze systemic patterns of inequity as they relate to and intersect with technology and the structure of contemporary life and social processes.
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy and will include both formative and summative components. Specific evaluation criteria will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the semester.
Instructors may use a student’s record of attendance and/or level of active participation in the course as part of the student’s graded performance. Where this occurs, expectations and grade calculations regarding class attendance and participation will be clearly defined in the Instructor Course Outline.
Evaluation will be based on some or all of the following:
- Participating in class discussion
- Essays
- Oral presentations (individual and/or group)
- Written exams
A sample grade breakdown for this course might be as follows:
Participation - 10%
Midterm Exam - 15%
Research Paper - 30%
Seminar Presentation - 20%
Critical Media Analysis - 10%
Final Exam - 15%
TOTAL: 100%
Students may conduct research with human participants as part of their coursework in this class. Instructors for the course are responsible for ensuring that student research projects comply with College policies on ethical conduct for research involving humans.
Texts will be updated periodically. Typical examples are:
Quan-Haase, A. (2020). Technology and Society: Social Network, Power, and Inequality. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Daniels, J., Gregory, K., McMillan Cottom, T. (eds.). (2016). Digital Sociologies. Policy Press.