Introduction to the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
SPSC 1105
Introduction to the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society
Sport Science
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture/Practice 3 Seminar 1
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
  • Lectures
  • Guest speakers
  • Seminars
  • Technology assisted learning
Course description
This course introduces the study of sport and leisure in society, with a critical analysis of the social and cultural dimensions of sport in Western Industrial societies. The course reviews contemporary perspectives on the political, economic, and social basis of leisure and sport.
Course content

Defining the Field:

  • define physical education, sport, recreation, play and dance

The sociological analysis of sport in societies:

  • the discipline of sociology
  • sport as a microcosm of society
  • levels of sport

Sport and cultural sources of the rise of sport in industrial societies:

  • the transformation of sport
  • the technological revolution and sport
  • industrialization, urbanization and sport
  • social aggregates and cultural influences in the rise of sport

Sport and societal values:

  • the Canadian value system
  • societal values and sport

Children and sport:

  • youth sports programs
  • socialization and sport
  • sports alternatives for the young athlete

Interscholastic sport:

  • the status of sport in schools
  • the benefits of school sport
  • problems, dilemmas and issues

Intercollegiate sport:

  • the status of intercollegiate sport
  • the benefits of intercollegiate sport
  • problems, dilemmas and issues

Social problems and issues and sport:

  • selected issues and problems in sport e.g., drugs, violence, parental behaviour, sexual harassment, etc.

Sport and religion:

  • religion and society
  • the relationship of religion and sport

Sport and the polity:

  • the political uses of sport
  • the politics of international sport

Sport and the economy:

  • economic beneficiaries of sport
  • professional and amateur sport as a business
  • careers in sport and leisure

Sport and the mass media:

  • social roles of the mass media
  • the impact of the mass media on sport
  • the impact of sport on the mass media

Sport, social stratification and social mobility:

  • social class and sport
  • social mobility and sport

Race and sport:

  • minority groups
  • discrimination in sport
  • multiculturalism and sport

Gender and sport:

  • social sources of sexism in sport
  • consequences of sexism for women in sport
  • recent trends in women’s sport

Contemporary trends and the future of sport:

  • trends in population, industry and technology
  • a future society and sport
  • trends in the economy
Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. Defining the field.
  2. The sociological analysis of sport in society.
  3. Social and cultural sources of the rise of sport in industrial societies.
  4. Sport and societal values.
  5. Children and sport.
  6. Interscholastic sport.
  7. Intercollegiate sport.
  8. Social issues and problems and sport.
  9. Sport and religion.
  10. Sport and polity.
  11. Sport and the economy.
  12. Sport and the mass media.
  13. Sport, social stratification and social mobility.
  14. Race and sport.
  15. Women and sport.
  16. Contemporary trends and the future of sport.
Means of assessment

The selection of evaluation tools for this course is based upon:

  1. Adherence to college evaluation policy regarding number and weighing of evaluations, for example a course of three credits or more should have at least three separate evaluations.
  2. A developmental approach to evaluation that is sequenced and progressive.
  3. Evaluation is used as a teaching tool for both students and instructors.
  4. Commitment to student participation in evaluation through such processes as self and peer evaluation, and program/ instructor evaluation.

The following is presented as an example assessment format for this course:

Test #1 20%
Test #2 20%
Test #3 20%
Major assignment 20%
Poster presentation/Debate 20%
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:

  • Course pack: SPSC 1105: An Introduction to the Study of Sport
  • Required textbook: Eitzen, S., & Sage, G. (2008). Sociology of North American Sport (8th Ed.) Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Students will also be assigned readings from the following textbooks:

  • Coakly, J. (2001). Sport in Society: Issues & Controversies, Mosby Publishing, 7th Edition.
  • Gruneau, R. & Albinson, J. (1976). Canadian Sport: Sociological Perspectives. Addison Wesley, 1st Edition.
  • Hall, A., Slack, T., Smith, G., & Whitson, D. (1991). Sport in Canadian Society, McClelland & Stewart.
  • Leclair, J. (1992). Winners and Losers: Sport and Physical Activity in the 90’s, Thompson Educational Publishing.
  • Donnelly, P. (1997). Taking Sport Seriously: Social Issues in Canadian Sport, Thompson Educational Publishing, 1st Edition.
  • Wuest, D., & Buchner, C., (2009). Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science and Sport, McGraw-Hill, 16th Edition.