Course code
SPSC 2281
Sociological Aspects of Sport
Sport Science
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
3 hours per week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Lectures
- Guest Speakers
- Seminars
- Videos
- Slides
- Overheads
Course description
A critical introduction to social and cultural dimensions of sport in western industrial societies. Central emphasis is the distinctiveness of the sociological perspective as a way of understanding the nature of sport in social and cultural life.
Course content
- The sociological analyses of sport in society:
- The discipline of Sociology
- Sport as a microcosm of society
- Levels of sport
- Social and cultural sources of the rise of sport in industrial societies:
- The transformation of sport
- The technological revolution and sport
- Industrialization, urbanization and sport
- Social aggregates and cultural influences in the rise of sport
- Sport and societal values
- The Canadian value system
- Societal values and sport
- Children and sport:
- Youth sports programs
- Socialization and sport
- Sports alternatives for the young athlete
- Interscholastic sport:
- The status of sport in schools
- The benefits of school sport
- Problems, dilemmas and issues
- Intercollegiate sport:
- The status of intercollegiate sport
- The benefits of intercollegiate sport
- Problems, dilemmas and issues
- Social problems and issues and sport:
- Selected issues and problems in sport:
- Drugs
- Violence
- Parental behaviour
- Sexual harassment, etc.
- Sport and religion:
- Religion and society
- The relationship of religion and sport
- Sport and the polity:
- The political uses of sport
- The politics of international sport
- Sport and the economy:
- Economic beneficiaries of sport
- Professional and amateur sport as a business
- Sport and the mass media:
- Social roles of the mass media
- The impact of the mass media on sport
- The impact of sport on the mass media
- Sport, social stratification and social mobility:
- social class and sport
- Social mobility and sport
- Race and sport:
- Minority groups
- Discrimination in sport
- Multiculturalism and sport
- Women and sport:
- Social sources of sexism in sport
- consequences of sexism for women in sport
- Recent trends in women’s sport
- Contemporary trends and the future of sport:
- Trends in population, industry and technology
- A future society and sport
- Trends in the economy
Learning outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, students will have knowledge of:
- The sociological analysis of sport in society
- Social and cultural sources of the rise of sport in industrial societies
- Sport and societal values
- Children and sport
- Interscholastic sport
- Intercollegiate sport
- Social issues and problems and sport
- Sport and religion
- Sport and the polity
- Sport and the economy
- Sport and the mass media
- Sport, social stratification and social mobility
- Race and sport
- Women and sport
- Contemporary trends and the future of sport
Means of assessment
Test #1 | 20% |
Test #2 | 20% |
Test #3 | 20% |
Major assignment | 20% |
Presentation & essay | 20% |
Textbook materials
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students
Students will be assigned readings from the following textbooks:
- Gruneau, R. and Albinson, J. (1976). Canadian Sport: Sociological Perspectives. Addison Wesley, 1st Edition.
- Hall, A., Slack, T., Smith, G. and Whitson, D. (1991). Sport in Canadian Society. McClelland and Stewart, 1st Edition.
- Eitzen, D. and Sage, G. (1993). Sociology of North American Sport. Brown and Benchmark, 5th Edition.
- Coakley, J. (1990). Sport in Society: Issues and Controversies. Mosby Publishing, 4th Edition.
- Leonard, W. (1988). A Social Perspective of Sport, MacMillan Publishing, 3rd edition.
- Leclair, J. (1992). Winners and Losers: Sport and Physical Activity in the 90’s, Thompson Educational Publishing, 1st Edition.
- Donnelly, P. (1997). Taking Sport Seriously: Social Issues in Canadian Sport, Thompson EducationalPublishing, 1st Edition.
- Robinson, L. (1997). She Shoots She Scores: Canadian Perspectives on Women and Sport, Thompson Educational Publishing, 1st Edition.