
Applied Methods: Game-Centered Approaches

Science & Technology
Sport Science
Course code
SPSC 2399
Semester length
15 Weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
In this course, students will experience Game-Centered Approaches across all game categories (target, net/wall, striking/fielding, and invasion/territorial). The Game-Centered Approaches to be used are Teaching Games for Understanding (and its derivatives) and Sport Education instructional models. The students will use a small-sided games approach to develop pedagogical content knowledge of the game categories. This knowledge can then be used to create and deliver developmentally appropriate games within various educational, recreational, and coaching environments. This course satisfies the Game-Centred Approaches Applied Methods BPEC graduation requirement.
Course content

Overall content will start with target games, move to striking and fielding games, build through to net/wall games and finally finish with the most tactically complex of invasion or territorial games. Specific content will focus on:

1. Physical literacy and dynamic system considerations in
games education
  1.1. Individual dimensions: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
  1.2. Task complexity and structure
  1.3. Environmental considerations

2. Games-centered approaches 
  2.1. Traditional Models 
  2.2. Teaching Games for Understanding 
  2.3. Tactical Games Model 
  2.4. Games Sense 
  2.5. Games Education Model 
  2.6. Play Practice 
  2.7. Constraints Led Approaches 
  2.8. Sport Education 

3. Modifying and adapting games
  3.1. Developmentally appropriate
    3.1.1. Formative games
    3.1.2. Innovative games
    3.1.3. Inclusion games
  3.2. Games structure
    3.2.1. Purposes
    3.2.2. Players
    3.2.3. Movement
    3.2.4. Objects
    3.2.5. Organization
    3.2.6. Limits
  3.3. Games degree of difficulty
  3.4. Optimal inclusion / challenge

4. Common game elements
  4.1. Locomotion
  4.2. Movement
  4.3. Manipulative
  4.4. Cognitive
  4.5. Social
  4.6. Teamwork

5. Game categories
  5.1. Foundational / developmental games
  5.2. Low level games
  5.3. Cooperative games
  5.4. Competitive games
  5.5. Scoring games
  5.6. Minor games
  5.7. Modified games
  5.8. Small sided games
  5.9. Lead up games
  5.10. Target games
  5.11. Net / wall games
  5.12. Striking / fielding games
  5.13. Invasion / territorial / go-to, go-through games
  5.14. Inventing / creating games
  5.15. Culturally relevant games

6. Games assessment
  6.1. Learning domains
    6.1.1. Cognitive
    6.1.2. Affective
    6.1.3. Psychomotor
  6.2. Formative
  6.3. Summative

7. Planning for instruction
 7.1. Sampling
 7.2. Representation
 7.3. Exaggeration
 7.4. Tactical complexity
 7.5. Transfer



Learning activities

Discussion Groups / Group Work
Practical Applications
Peer-led / Peer Teaching
Experiential learning

Means of assessment

Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with Douglas College policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluations include the following:

Performance evaluations    10-25%
Microteaching lessons        10-25%
Reflective journal              10-25%
Article reviews                  10-25%
Class observations            10-25%
Games resource manual    10-25%
Total                                100%

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge (teaching ability) using Teaching Games for Understanding and its derivatives.
  2. Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge (teaching ability) using Sport Education.
  3. Create developmentally appropriate game progressions of techniques and tactics (from simple to complex) for various groups of learners relating it to physical literacy development.
  4. Compare tactical similarities within and between the game categories through experiences in a variety of small-sided games. This learning will introduce and increase students' pedagogical content knowledge.
  5. Perform the necessary techniques and tactics required to solve tactical problems that occur during game play. There will be an  emphasis on detecting and correcting errors in tactical and technical performance; students will then relate this to physical literacy development.
  6. Share ideas for their own and others' development of game performance and view it as a requisite for inclusive teaching and coaching practices.
  7. Demonstrate professional behavior by interacting respectfully with others and cooperating in the set-up, take-down and care of equipment and facilities.
Textbook materials

Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. A list of recommended textbooks and materials is provided on the instructor's course outline, which is available to students at the beginning of each semester.

Example textbooks and materials may include:

Mitchell, S.A., Oslin, J.L., & Griffin, L.L. (current edition). Teaching sport concepts and skills: A tactical games approach for ages 7 to 18. Human Kinetics: Chicago, IL.

Morris, G.S.D., & Stiehl, J. (current edition). Changing kids’ games. Human Kinetics: Chicago, IL.

Siedentop, D., Hastie, P.A., & Van Der Mars, H. (current edition). Complete guide to Sport Education. Human Kinetics: Chicago, IL.