Physical Education and Coaching Methods
1. The Teacher/Coach/ Learner
1.1 Teacher/coach development
1.1.1 Understanding the teaching/learning process
1.1.2 Responsibilities as a teacher
1.1.3 Use of props
1.2 Teaching styles
1.2.1 Direct
1.2.2 Indirect
1.2.3 Anatomy of any teaching style
1.2.4 Organizational options
1.2.5 Utilization of multiple teaching styles
1.2.6 Choosing appropriate teaching styles
1.3 Learning styles
1.3.1 Visual
1.3.2 Verbal
1.3.3 Kinesthetic
1.3.4 Intellectual
1.4 Models of instruction
1.4.1 Alignment to teaching style
1.4.2 Alignment to learning domain interaction goals
1.4.3 Alignment to goals and outcomes
2. Understanding the Physical Education Content
2.1 Task analysis
2.1.1 Phases
2.1.2 Preparation
2.1.3 Execution
2.1.4 Follow through
2.1.5 Growth and development factors
2.1.6 Transfer of learning
2.2 Activity development
2.2.1 Fundamental movement skills – developmental stages
2.2.2 Developmental games
2.2.3 Incorporating models aligned to goals
2.2.4 Positive learning environments and the emotionally connected classroom
2.2.5 Modifications - simplify or challenge
2.2.6 Task
2.2.7 Expectation
2.2.8 Equipment
2.2.9 Space
3. The Planning Process
3.1 Lesson planning
3.2 Unit planning
3.3 Setting measurable learning objectives
3.3.1 Psychomotor
3.3.2 Cognitive
3.3.3 Affective
3.3.4 Reflecting program goals
3.3.5 Defining success criterion
3.4 Teaching sequences
3.4.1 Teaching progressions
3.4.2 Activity adaptations
3.5 Safety considerations
3.5.1 Space management
3.5.2 Equipment safety and maintenance
3.6 Common challenges and issues
3.6.1 Cultural sensitivity
3.6.2 Gender equality
3.6.3 Inclusion
3.6.4 Integration of fitness and wellness
3.7 Evaluation process
3.7.1 Monitoring and feedback
3.7.2 Creative information management
3.7.3 Authentic assessment
3.7.4 Rubrics
3.7.5 Technology integrated into physical activity
4. The Teaching / Coaching Process
4.1 Teaching strategies
4.1.1 Managerial strategies
4.1.2 Instructional strategies
4.2 Understanding feedback, classification, strengths, and weaknesses
4.2.1 Sender and receiver channels
4.2.2 Types of feedback
4.3 Maximizing teacher effectiveness and using available feedback
4.3.1 Debriefing
4.3.2 Understanding and implementing organizational routines
4.3.3 Teacher functions during activity
4.3.4 Creating and using effective teaching/instructional cues
4.3.5 Observation techniques and tools
5. Group Management
5.1 Teaching philosophy as a guide
5.2 Positive discipline - definition and requirements
5.3 Management strategies
5.4 Teaching social skills through use of the personal and social responsibility model and/or the emotionally connected classroom model
5.5 Creating routines for the class – formations, sound cues, assessments, transitions
5.6 Organize groups into learning units
5.7 Role modeling and development of personal and social responsibility
5.8 Using space and available resources to maximize learning opportunities and minimize conflict
6. Periodization for sports
6.1 Traditional periodization and block periodization
6.1.1 Micro, meso, macro cycles
6.1.2 Phases
6.2 Energy systems and peaking cycles
6.2.1 Training protocols
6.2.2 Residual effects of training
6.3 Peaking for performance
6.4 Creating yearly training plans for teams or individuals
6.5 Alignment with the Long Term Athletic Development Model
- Lecture
- Discussion groups
- Practical application
- Micro teaching
- Video coding observation
- Reading assignments
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation may include the following:
Practice teaching – reflection analysis | 20-30% |
Unit plan | 20-30% |
Quizzes | 10-20% |
Annual/seasonal training plan | 20-30% |
Models assignment | 10-20% |
Preparation and participation | 10-15% |
100% |
Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the teaching and learning process including: teaching styles, organizational options and learning styles.
- Identify and create activity, lesson, and unit plans that satisfy the guiding principles of learning outcomes, goal setting, risk management and safety, appropriate equipment and resource (space) use, and assessment of learning outcomes.
- Plan, lead, evaluate, and reflect on a practical learning session with peers or school-aged children that demonstrates knowledge and application of effective warm-up and cool-down, teaching strategies, feedback decisions and task presentation.
- Demonstrate knowledge and application of task analysis and activity development in a wide array of skills, games, models and modifications in sport and physical activity settings.
- Describe methods of group management in teaching and coaching environments.
- Create an annual/seasonal training plan for a sport team or an athlete that outlines basic training protocols over a competitive season aligned with the Long Term Athletic Development Model.
Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. A list of recommended textbooks and materials is provided on the instructor's course outline, which is available to students at the beginning of each semester.